• Mystic Feature Request

    From Fat Rastus@46:1/107.2 to g00r00 on Sun Jul 17 00:29:21 2016
    Would it be possible to include an option to the MW command that would pull a template text file into the new message? I can think of many uses for such a feature.


    Fat Rastus

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A29 (Linux)
    * Origin: CombatNet Support BBS (46:1/107.2)
  • From g00r00@46:1/127 to Fat Rastus on Sun Jul 17 01:12:44 2016
    Would it be possible to include an option to the MW command that would pull a template text file into the new message? I can think of many
    uses for such a feature.

    That is an interesting idea. I'll add it to the TODO list!

    I'd also be interested in hearing some of your ideas for how you'd use it,
    if you don't mind sharing!

    In this case it may not be all that difficult to do, so if you have some neat ideas I can probably make it happen rather quickly unless I hit a snag I'm
    not thinking about at the moment.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A29 (Windows)
    * Origin: Sector 7 [Mystic BBS WHQ] (46:1/127)
  • From Fat Rastus@46:1/107.2 to g00r00 on Sun Jul 17 14:23:02 2016

    On 07/17/16, g00r00 said the following...
    Would it be possible to include an option to the MW command that woul pull a template text file into the new message? I can think of many uses for such a feature.

    I'd also be interested in hearing some of your ideas for how you'd use
    it, if you don't mind sharing!

    It could be used as an extended new user questionnaire, or as a form that
    could be filled in by applicants for any number of things. I would like to use it so that SysOps could more easily signup for my gaming league. I do have an online php form for that purpose but signing up on the bbs seems to be more appropriate to the venue. Other uses might be to conduct polls, solicit responses on newly proposed features, and the like.. Also by presenting the user with a personalized email one might be more likely to get a response.

    Fat Rastus

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A29 (Linux)
    * Origin: CombatNet Support BBS (46:1/107.2)
  • From Fat Rastus@46:1/107.2 to Fat Rastus on Tue Jul 19 20:45:38 2016
    Bug reports of all kinds.. It would be nice to put a command in the door
    menu section to make it easier for players to send feedback if a door crashed or if door command is unresponsive, etc...

    A list of a few questions might make responses a bit more helpful..

    (R)eport Broken Door

    Door Name:

    Briefly explain the nature of the problem:


    Have A Great Day!

    Fat Rastus

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A29 (Linux)
    * Origin: CombatNet Support BBS (46:1/107.2)
  • From Accession@46:1/100 to Fat Rastus on Wed Jul 20 16:01:41 2016
    Hello Fat,

    On 19 Jul 16 20:45, Fat Rastus wrote to Fat Rastus:

    Bug reports of all kinds.. It would be nice to put a command in the
    door menu section to make it easier for players to send feedback if a
    door crashed or if door command is unresponsive, etc...

    A list of a few questions might make responses a bit more helpful..

    (R)eport Broken Door

    Door Name:

    Briefly explain the nature of the problem:


    You can do any of this yourself, by simply using the menu editor and adding a new menu command. For the first request above, there's definitely a menu editor
    MCI to leave feedback, and you can state the reason (or subject for this example) yourself so the user is forced to use said subject/reason (specifically if it's from the door menu, or from the logoff matrix if you have
    one (as another example), etc) in their feedback to you. So something easy could be when you hit "[R]eport Broken Door" from the door menu, it could go to
    another menu you create called "BROKEDOR" which could display an ansi or some text telling the user to explain the nature of the problem in the following feedback email to the sysop. After they hit enter, the email to sysop editor would automatically come up with their name in the FROM field and "Broken Door Report" in the subject (forced by you via the menu editor). After they save the
    email, and the fallback menu set to your door menu (via the menu editor), they would be back at the door menu prompt.

    Other options to do this could be to make that menu command go directly to the email to sysop editor, or last but certainly not least, could definitely be done in MPL.

    Either way, the "modding" is completely up to the sysop, and I don't think there's anything (or at least that I remember) I've run into that /can't/ be done.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (46:1/100)
  • From Fat Rastus@46:1/107.2 to Accession on Wed Jul 20 20:23:16 2016
    You can do any of this yourself, by simply using the menu editor and adding a new menu command. For the first request above, there's

    Yes.. Yes.. but the topic was uses for a template that can be 'uploaded'
    into a message at the time it is created. I want it for reasons other than feedback about broken doors.. I am just offering ideas...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A29 (Linux)
    * Origin: CombatNet Support BBS (46:1/107.2)
  • From Accession@46:1/100 to Fat Rastus on Thu Jul 21 11:49:45 2016
    Hello Fat,

    On 20 Jul 16 20:23, Fat Rastus wrote to Accession:

    You can do any of this yourself, by simply using the menu editor
    and adding a new menu command. For the first request above,

    Yes.. Yes.. but the topic was uses for a template that can be
    'uploaded' into a message at the time it is created. I want it for reasons other than feedback about broken doors.. I am just offering ideas...

    Woops! That's what I get for jumping into the conversation late. Carry on! :)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (46:1/100)
  • From Fat Rastus@46:1/107.2 to Accession on Thu Jul 21 17:27:08 2016
    Woops! That's what I get for jumping into the conversation late. Carry
    on! :)

    I wasn't criticizing.. You post has much value and was appreciated!

    Not the change the subject.. but I love the message editor in Mystic!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A30 (Linux)
    * Origin: CombatNet Support BBS (46:1/107.2)
  • From Tiny@46:1/126 to Fat Rastus on Thu Jul 21 17:45:50 2016
    Not the change the subject.. but I love the message editor in Mystic!

    Ya know I used to fight it for an external one. Then he added spell
    check... It always was way better then my editor. ;)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A30 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Tiny's BBS - tinysbbs.com (46:1/126)
  • From Accession@46:1/100 to Fat Rastus on Thu Jul 21 22:07:57 2016
    Hello Fat,

    On 21 Jul 16 17:27, Fat Rastus wrote to Accession:

    Woops! That's what I get for jumping into the conversation late.
    Carry on! :)

    I wasn't criticizing.. You post has much value and was appreciated!

    Not the change the subject.. but I love the message editor in Mystic!

    I do too bud. I love everything about Mystic. Finding the time to completely switch over has been a hassle lately though.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (46:1/100)