• midnight maint script issues

    From Gryphon@46:1/116 to Dream Master on Wed Jan 14 08:43:49 2015

    Regarding your script you are having issues with on FB; I have a script stub that I think might help you. It does the same thing you want, with less fuss.

    Uses Cfg

    Var Tfile : String = CfgDataPath+'midnight.dat'
    Var Today : String = DateStr(DateTime,1)

    Procedure TouchFile(F:String)
    Var Fptr : File

    Function FileDate(F:String):String
    Var Ret : String = '00/00/00'
    If DosError = 0 Then Begin
    If FileDate(TFile) = Today Then Begin
    WriteLn('Today is the same day as the filedate of :'+TFile+'.')
    WriteLn('Do something here if the file has the same date as today')
    End Else Begin
    WriteLn('Today is different than the filedate of :'+Tfile+'.')
    WriteLn('Do something here if the file has a different date as today.')
    WriteLn('And don''t forget to update the file with todays date')

    "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai

    --- Mystic BBS v1.10 A59 (Linux)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX (46:1/116)
  • From dream master@46:1/102 to Gryphon on Thu Jan 15 02:41:25 2015
    On 01/14/15, Gryphon said the following...
    Regarding your script you are having issues with on FB; I have a script stub that I think might help you. It does the same thing you want, with less fuss.

    could you pm it to me so i can copy it and look it over? we know how crazy it gets with reading it on mtel or a telnet proggy lol

    --- Mystic BBS v1.10 A59 (Windows)
    * Origin: fluph.darktech.org (46:1/102)
  • From Gryphon@46:1/116 to dream master on Thu Jan 15 09:53:22 2015
    On 01/15/15, dream master said the following...

    On 01/14/15, Gryphon said the following...
    Regarding your script you are having issues with on FB; I have a scri stub that I think might help you. It does the same thing you want, w less fuss.

    could you pm it to me so i can copy it and look it over? we know how
    crazy it gets with reading it on mtel or a telnet proggy lol

    Why don't you just hit the X button while reading, and download the whole message as a text file?

    "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai

    --- Mystic BBS v1.10 A59 (Linux)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | Cyberia.Darktech.Org | Kingwood, TX (46:1/116)