• BBS Forum - Invitation

    From Michael Selhof@46:20/117 to All on Thu Jul 11 10:40:32 2024
    Hello from germany

    After I got my BBS problem (after 2 1/2 month) solved, back to the forum again to fill it
    up with information about this topic.

    So... everybody, who loves this hobby like me, is welcomed to this forum.

    What should the goal of this forum be?

    The aim of the forum is to provide information, news, help with problems or installation
    of BBS programs, or their tools/add-ons or online games. Virtually everything that is
    worth knowing directly or indirectly about operating a mailbox.

    No matter which operating system or BBS program! The topic and the fun counts!

    The more former or active Sysop's take part, the higher quality this forum will or could be!



    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: Global Chaos BBS, The Home of the Nets (46:20/117)