• Nimbus BBS Pre Announcing

    From Shadowheart@VERT/TSEBBS to Mro on Sat Mar 2 09:24:00 2013
    Re: Nimbus BBS
    By: Mro to Ralph Smole on Fri Mar 01 2013 05:23 pm

    i know you are excited about it, but maybe work on it a bit before announcin it.

    This is probably just a pre announcement to get people to try it out so he
    can iron out the bugs and see what the beta/alpha users want to he can add on and make it the best he can. it is better to have at least one new coller to see what choices are worth investing more time to and which ideas you should scrap because of lack of interest.

    He is probably just announcing his alpha of his bbs.

    The Savage Empire BBS

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Savage Empire BBS - tsebbs.com