• BBSLink QWK Network

    From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to All on Mon Oct 30 22:09:18 2017
    Hello All,

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists as far as KK4QBN BBS is concerned. This is why I have deactivated ALL QWK nodes that connected to this BBS.

    Now systems are re-connecting to the BBS to try to reconnect.

    Just for information, the network had no VOICE traffic whatsoever anyway, when a new sysop would hook up I would try to contact them up to a week and they would never answer, It is a SYSOPS responsability to help try to keep the networks you add to your BBS active. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

    (2) My HDD took a dump on me and KK4QBN BBS was down for 15-20 days or so.. I revived KK4QBN BBS from 2 or 3 different backups I had, and It did not include the BBSLink QWK Network So since it was dead anyway, I decided to leave it down.

    as far as I know, I did NOT upload any setup packets for the BBSLink QWK Packet Network, the only ones I had were here locally, and I have deleted them, But I presume there are some floating around somewhere.

    My FTP LOGS STILL show that NODES are trying to hook up to download packets, this shows how much people are *really* paying attention to their systems.

    If you are a SySop who was polling from me, PLEASE delete your polls.. you will never get another bbslink QWK packet. all you are doing is wasting system resources.

    It would have been a great idea if people actually participated in it.

    TROLLS, you know who you are.. no need in replying.. your are twitlisted.. so if you reply it shows how stupid you really are.

    Anyone who wants to take the network over has my blessing, but must also contact Mark Mearns, the one who runs BBSLink for his blessing.

    Take Care.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Ennev@VERT/MTLGEEK to KK4QBN on Tue Oct 31 07:51:04 2017
    On 2017-10-30 22:09, KK4QBN wrote:
    Hello All,

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists as far as KK4QBN BBS is concerned. This is why I have deactivated ALL QWK nodes that connected to this BBS.

    It would have been a great idea if people actually participated in it.

    Never and don't have any ill will. I must admit I was considering participating, but consistency in the availability of your system from
    what I was reading in dove.net felt flaky.

    Anyone who wants to take the network over has my blessing, but must also contact Mark Mearns, the one who runs BBSLink for his blessing.

    Here too, I felt bad. I was cautious because I didn't know if it had
    Mark's blessing, i should have asked if you had.

    Sorry it turned up that way.

    p.s. I would really appreciate if you would find another way to express
    your problem with bbslink that the wall. All theses multi lines entries
    are a real eyes sore. I don't expect poetry. I put myself in the boots
    of a regular user/player and i would just skip trough and probably be
    annoyed. I considering removing the wall form my login sequence and
    leave it as a menu option. It's not fun anymore.

    I know your not having fun with bbslink, but now your also contributing
    into killing it for others.

    Again I want to urge that I don't have any hard feeling. I usually
    refrain jumping into confrontation, i know i don't have the full
    pictures of the situation, but at the end games are just games and bbs
    are just bbs. It's something we do freely without any reward, when it's
    no longer fun we have to considered why we do it.

    Sorry about the typos i always make a few.

    Smile and (Half) the World Smiles With You, Frown and You Frown Alone

    þ Synchronet þ MtlGeek - Geeks in Montreal - http://mtlgeek.com/ -
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Ennev on Tue Oct 31 11:38:49 2017
    Re: Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: Ennev to KK4QBN on Tue Oct 31 2017 07:51:04

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists as
    far as KK4QBN BBS is concerned. This is why I have deactivated ALL QWK
    nodes that connected to this BBS.

    It would have been a great idea if people actually participated in it.

    Never and don't have any ill will. I must admit I was considering participating, but consistency in the availability of your system from what I was reading in dove.net felt flaky.

    I'm sory, I dont know where you get your information from, but since the dawn of telnet BBS systems I have ran two, 1 being Warzone BBS which stayed online close to 4 years, Yes I had my issues with it, BUT I also was a great steward to the services I provided on the system, If an issue popped up, we always had backup servers, or I would find someone to backup to keep the service going, and that time I was hubbing around 4 QWK networks (Active QWK networks) and gated 3 FTN to QWK networks. I Also ran an RLOGIN services for gamers that is similar in nature to BBSLink, LONG BEFORE anyone else had any type of idea to do this..

    I first started doing this because I was one of the VERY FEW (More than likely just myself and Deuce) who ran Synchronet off FreeBSD, and DOS emulation of doorgames just DID NOT exist at that time.. so, at first I mainly ran it for myself, and then I decided to do some more customization to the RLOGIN server to allow other BBS systems to use it, This was in the infancy of the JS engines, etc being incorporated into SBBS, so I rigged up batchfiles to create users on the RLOGIN system to make it looks seemless and had other countermeasures in place to keep people from cheating.

    I ran my BBS for many years, under Synchronet with an occassional hiccup here and there, but it was'nt nothing I could'nt handle. Even with envious TROLLS like one that still floats around these message groups trying to undermine my efforts. You will not see my name in too many places as a contributor for ideas that have help make synchronet what it is today, but I have contributed MANY.

    IIRC the TWITLIST feature came about because myself and a guy called Angus Mcleod loved to argue a lot.. But it was'nt none of this TRIGGERED trolling arguments you see today that should belong on facebook, it actually was intilectual arguments, that ended up going no where, but all in all, we all remained friends.. or at least tolerated each other.

    Some Ideas I've thrown out is what has made the first release of the synchronet webserver what it is. Before users could create users from the website, I created an executable with QBASIC nonetheless that could be pulled up as a cgi-bin to create users on the fly from a webpage. this was before 'makeuser' ever existed.. I'm straying off topic a bit..

    I've created crappy IGMS for LORD, I've created MANY MANY door setup how-tos (PRE WIKI) that still more than likely can be found on VERT. I Have done much to help MANY in the BBS community.. I would SSH and RDP to peoples systems to help with their systems, BUT I WOULD NOT DO IT FOR THEM, if they wanted to be a sysop they needed to show the effort, thats the issue with this hobby today, people want their little piece of nostalgia, or play their doorgames, but don't want to put the time required into.. I can understand if they don't have time, but it gives them NO REASON TO CHEAT, so they can have their gleaming moment in the sun.

    I had many years and manhours tied into WarZone BBS, and the seperate RLOGIN server that had about 25 or more clients when lightening took it all out, and YES, as one troll who had nothing better to do than to run a background check on me, I had SUBSTANCE ABUSE ISSUES, mainly OPIATES, After my BBS was lost to nature, I was completely lost to DRUGS, UNTIL I got busted, and attended 2 years of Drug Court, had to attend NA, etc.. I must say, in this area NA is BULL, too much Meth running around, going to NA would make you want to get high before you left.. anyway.. I created my own "NA" type recovery meetings, completely court sanctioned, which consisted of meditation, and just plain "How was your day, Talkin". I know I'm well off topic now, but this sets up WHY I act as I do to trolls, and cheaters. We already have enough in life that takes up too much of our time. We sit down at the BBS after work or whenever for release, only to find out a message you have written has had some smartA$$ reply to it, making fun of your mom or a friends dead mother. Or your go to play a game that you have been working so hard at just to find out that someone had artificially inflated their stats.

    That tends to piss me off and I don't care to shout it out from the rooftops to let someone know to not trust these people. I Did'nt say Mark did this, I did not blame him, per say.. But In PTEOS, for that user to have that type of resources in that short of a time, the player editor HAD TO BE USED. No other way around it. I respect Mark for what he has created, it is something I would NEVER have the technical know how to do. (the way the system autenticates). I see he has put TONS of time and work into his system, but he said he did not do this, and I tend to believe him. which will only leave one option. there is some way into his system for someone to cheat. Because the the resources and money this certian player has in that game just could not been achieved naturally.. maybe in a full one month period, but no.. My charachter has been on just as long as that one, and all those resources appeared within a 3-4 day period.. The resources he has spread around that game count up into the multi billions, the game is completely STOCK, no IGMS.. nothing.

    I have ran a BBS on and of since 1992 or so, and PTEOS, has always been a game incuded on my BBS whenever possible, I know it like the back of my hand.

    I apologize to EVERYONE about the posting on the BBSLink wall, but other players needed to know.

    the postings would have stopped there IF the TROLL @@@@@@@ did'nt get on there and start antagonizing the whole situation. As far as I know this TROLL does NOT know me, and I do not know him or her, yet they post as if they have known me for years, which leads me to believe its another troll on these networks using an alias. either way, I don't care.. as I posted on the wall, I will not say anything else. Mark promised that he would look into the issue and I believe him. after that I apologized to him and said this was the end of my postings. THEN the trolling started to try to get me started back up.

    I posted this post because I have received 7 calls in the last 2 days of sysops wanting to sign up to a network that does'nt exist. I also still get about 10 different BBS systems poll my FTP for packets to this network that does'nt exist. like I said, that shows you how much people really pay attention to their BBS, they throw it up, turn it on and leave, glance every day or so to make sure it has'nt crashed, and walk away.. those same BBS systems are the ones that still have all the default menus and ansis.. I've deleted/deactivated all of these qwk nodes, and now some are even calling back trying to join again.

    This is why I posted this notice in DOVENET ADS.. Because it's the only area that I advertised the BBSLink QWK Network.

    Never and don't have any ill will. I must admit I was considering participating, but consistency in the availability of your system from what I was reading in dove.net felt flaky.

    When I go online, I STAY online except when issues come up, and at times they do. I go down once weekly to backup the complete system.. that takes close to two hours. I do it at slow times. I'm not financially endowed like many of you, so if I have a peice of hardware breakdown (like a HDD) sometimes it may take a minute to get a replacement, my HDD crapped out on me a few weeks ago, Luckily EVERYTHING was saved, EXCEPT the BBSLink Network, because I had'nt backed up after creating it. So when I went back up, and though (well it gets no traffic anyway) I might as well not open it back up.. only one or two participated..

    Whats the use in a full network for 2 people? The only real cool purpose it had was transport of the BBSLink score files, updated 4 times daily.. but for JS savy sysops, they could have just pulled them straight off Marks server on the fly.

    Just as I stated to Mark, If I knew the BBSLink Wall existed, I would'nt have thought of creating BBSLink QWK Network. I thought gamers needed a place to communcated with each other and talk game strategy, I even made individual game echos private, so teams could speak amongsts themselves. I believe it was a good concept, but no one wants to particapte in messages anymore unless their trolling others (not true, but it happens a lot for the little traffic we get).

    Anyone who wants to take the network over has my blessing, but must
    also contact Mark Mearns, the one who runs BBSLink for his blessing.

    Here too, I felt bad. I was cautious because I didn't know if it had Mark's blessing, i should have asked if you had.

    For sure I had Marks blessing, that would have been down right rude of me to do something like that. I made it Explicitly clear in both the setup file and the advertisments of BBSLink QWK Network, that they were TWO DIFFERENT ENTITYS, It was explained that the BBSLink QWK Packet Network was created by a DIEHARD FAN of an EXCELLENT IDEA, and I STILL feel that way.

    But there are issues with it, all I did was point them out. there would have been NO argument if the TROLL would have kept his mouth shut.

    This same troll has the same IP address as a SYSOP of an unnamed BBS, and that IP address was also found in my hack.log and was automatically added to my IP.CAN by SBBS, This Troll first started on me in dovenet general, I believe, unprovoked, I have never spoke with him or her before. the troll sent a message to me about another troll I was dealing with *** (three letter name) before then I have NEVER had any correspondance with the first one.

    After this was over, the SYSOP of unnamed BBS emailed me asking why his IP address was banned from connecting to mine, I checked both the hack.log and ip.can and that IP was added automatically, I explained that to him, and the R****** troll has been at my throat since then.

    I want PEACE. I have twitlisted EVERYONE of the trolls, Yet any change the one that starts with R gets he jumps my ass.. I don't know him or care to know
    him, I just want to be left alone...

    and if I'm playing a networked doorgame, I expect it to be fair. When I ran the RLOGIN server for all the other BBS systems, I NEVER participated in the games myself.. A sysop really should'nt. Mark has stated to me that he does'nt play the games on BBSLink, and I for one believe him. BUT.. something is not right with this users account on PTEOS, there is no way in natural hell it can get that hight that quickly.

    p.s. I would really appreciate if you would find another way to express your problem with bbslink that the wall. All theses multi lines entries are a real eyes sore. I don't expect poetry. I put myself in the boots
    of a regular user/player and i would just skip trough and probably be annoyed. I considering removing the wall form my login sequence and
    leave it as a menu option. It's not fun anymore.

    I have taken out of MY login sequence, because I promised to Mark on it that I would not post about it again, UNTIL THAT TROLL REPLIED..

    No worries man.. you will only see single entries from me on it if any.. I'll try my best to ignore the troll, but when I'm attemting to make something come to light that affects us ALL, and all i get for it is flack, I tend to get pissed..

    I know those guys are doing it only to pull my strings, but EVERYONE of them are doing nothing but helping to KILL this hobby even more.

    I know your not having fun with bbslink, but now your also contributing into killing it for others.

    Actually I am, Most games I am playing are a blast..

    Again I want to urge that I don't have any hard feeling. I usually refrain jumping into confrontation, i know i don't have the full

    I agree with you, you've worded this well, and it tellse what you want to tell, with dignity and respect.. its really that simple..

    pictures of the situation, but at the end games are just games and bbs are just bbs. It's something we do freely without any reward, when it's no longer fun we have to considered why we do it.

    Your're correct.. I try to remind myself it's just a game.. but when you're investing time into a game and keep getting knocked down by someone YOU KNOW did'nt get there normally, it tends to piss one off (me at least) but that does'nt piss me off as much as when I bring it to light and I get called names by a troll, I did not address him in any of those messages, and I actually told him to mind his own business, I was'nt speaking with him (After Mark and I had Dialog). I should have really just emailed Mark about it again, but at that time truthfully I thought it would be better to have it public so players would know whats going on.

    BBSLink is Fun, It gives Sysops who cannot setup door games well the opportunity to have games on their system, sysops with linux or FreeBSD who do not know how to setup DOSemu/FreeDOS. It gives all those sysops a great resource, but all of that is undermined if a handful of cheaters is allowed to reign supreme. right?

    I'm finished with this topic, and as I told Mark, I appreciate the great product, because I created one kind of like this back in 2005 or so and it was very popular, most of those sysops are not here not vouch for it.. some have died.. others just went away..

    But I'm just as easy to get along with as anyone and will help anyone as much as I can, but I will not tolerate trolls, liars and cheats.. that simple.

    call it whining..(I know you have'nt, the troll has on numerouse occasions) call it what you want but I will stick up for honesty and will also stick up for people who are being bullied by others. at times this gets me in the middle of some crap, and creates enemys.. I know we cannot BAN these trolls.. they'll just come back as someone else and start over, but we can stop giving them a voice by not replying to them.. and I no longer will.

    I don't understand why someone I have done nothing to except maybe have a differing opinion would go to the lengths they go to to try to discredit me amongst my peers. as far as running background checks on me... I've been more than upfront about everything I've been through. I'm not ashamed, I'm a better person for that today.

    But I WILL NOT stand for someone being a bully. point blank.

    Sorry about the typos i always make a few.

    Oh, same here.. hope you got through this book without it burning your retinas.

    Smile and (Half) the World Smiles With You, Frown and You Frown Alone


    Take care.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Ennev@VERT/MTLGEEK to All on Tue Oct 31 12:43:08 2017
    KK4QBN <kk4qbn@VERT/KK4QBN> wrote:

    Oh, same here.. hope you got through this book without it burning your retinas.

    Smile and (Half) the World Smiles With You, Frown and You Frown Alone


    Take care.

    Thanks for that long email. Apreciate you take all this time to answer and
    tell about your stories and accomplishment.

    ■ Synchronet ■ MtlGeek - Geeks in Montreal - http://mtlgeek.com/ -
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to KK4QBN on Wed Nov 1 08:32:00 2017
    KK4QBN wrote to All <=-

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists as
    far as KK4QBN BBS is concerned. This is why I have deactivated ALL QWK nodes that connected to this BBS.

    Thanks for the reminder, finally got around to deleting the net from my system.
    Still keeping the games online, I like the concept and there's no real overhead in keeping the games available.

    ... Behind every successful man is an astonished mother-in-law.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    ■ Synchronet ■ Freeway BBS in Bendigo, Australia.
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Vk3jed on Tue Oct 31 19:55:07 2017
    Re: Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: Vk3jed to KK4QBN on Wed Nov 01 2017 08:32:00

    Thanks for the reminder, finally got around to deleting the net from my system.
    Still keeping the games online, I like the concept and there's no real overhead in keeping the games available.

    Yes, as I've always stated, BBSLink and BBSLink QWK network are two complete seperate entites.. and I have a blast on BRE, FE, and TAL.. and hoepfully some day PTEOS :)


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to KK4QBN on Wed Nov 1 09:51:56 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: KK4QBN to All on Mon Oct 30 2017 10:09 pm

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists as far

    I know that KK4QBN won't see this reply but Tim really made being a part of his QWK network a really miserable experience so I say good riddence.

    It would have been a great idea if people actually participated in it.

    Maybe people would have participated if Tim did'nt accuse people of hacking him or cheating at games, and if the services actually worked 90% of the time.

    TROLLS, you know who you are.. no need in replying.. your are twitlisted.. so if you reply it shows how stupid you really are.

    there is the very reason alot of us won't deal with tim any longer, he alway's belittles and berates everyone and tries to start his little wars with everyone, as in my case he keeps saying (lying) that I hacked his BBS wich honestly never happened, I am not a person that would waste my time trying to hack anyone period, to me that would be a huge waste of my time.
    My BBS polled his BBS 2 times a day for quick packets and game scores.
    I know that I am in his twitlist and really don't care I am just happy that I don't deal with him any longer.

    "... Why haven't we seen a Headline that says "psychic WINS Lottery?""

    ■ Synchronet ■ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com Telnet - outwestbbs.com:23
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Denn on Wed Nov 1 15:47:20 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: Denn to KK4QBN on Wed Nov 01 2017 09:51:56

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists as

    I know that KK4QBN won't see this reply but Tim really made being a part of his QWK network a really miserable experience so I say good riddence.

    I see every bit of your reply, you have never been twitlisted, just a user on your BBS, and afaik, you were the only one that made the experience miserable because you had issues reading instructions.. seemed to work fine for most everyone else, and others who had issues simply asked for help and they recieved.

    You harbor ill will towards me because you forgot your password and my system locked you out and I presume you blamed that on me.

    the TROLL you harbor on your BBS is twitlisted and not allowed on this BBS and for some reason his IP address happens to be the same as yours, thats not my fault.

    Maybe people would have participated if Tim did'nt accuse people of hacking him or cheating at games, and if the services actually worked 90% of the time.

    People were and still are cheating, the services DID work, if they were installed correctly, and SBBS speaks for itself, both your name and the troll on your BBS is in my hack log under the SAME ip address.. that could mean you had a telgate setup to my BBS, but giving your attitude toward me, I highly doubt that..

    and seeing as you for sure thought to yourself that I WOULD NOT see this message, yet wrote this thinking I would not be able to defend myself really shows your character.

    Have fun with your life Denn..

    I hate cheaters and backstabbers and will not bow to either, and I am also humble enough to apologize when I'm wrong.

    But in this case, I'm not.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to KK4QBN on Wed Nov 1 23:16:58 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: KK4QBN to Denn on Wed Nov 01 2017 03:47 pm

    Please be advised the BBSLink QWK Packet Network no longer exists
    as far

    I know that KK4QBN won't see this reply but Tim really made being a
    part of his QWK network a really miserable experience so I say good

    I see every bit of your reply, you have never been twitlisted, just a user on your BBS, and afaik, you were the only one that made the experience miserable because you had issues reading instructions.. seemed to work fine for most everyone else, and others who had issues simply asked for help and they recieved.

    If you remember right I contacted you several times then the scores would work for awhile then I would get emptt score files.

    You harbor ill will towards me because you forgot your password and my system locked you out and I presume you blamed that on me.

    Nope I didn't forget the password you blocked my ip and if you want proof I will post the email you sent me where you state that you blocked my ip.

    the TROLL you harbor on your BBS is twitlisted and not allowed on this BBS and for some reason his IP address happens to be the same as yours, thats not my fault.

    FYI I went through all the messages between you and roadhog and it seems your fued started when roadhog said he voted for Trump and you called him a few names.
    and FYI we do not have the same IP address.
    Roadhogs IP from my logs =
    My IP from my Logs =
    SO get over it I'm just a little tired of the lies you spread about others and it's about time you get called on your BS, I kept the email's you sent as well as the messages to me you posted on my BBS where you demanded I turn over all information I have on one of my users and I told you no, all I want is for you to stop spreading lies about me thats all.
    People were and still are cheating, the services DID work, if they were installed correctly, and SBBS speaks for itself, both your name and the troll on your BBS is in my hack log under the SAME ip address.. that could mean you had a telgate setup to my BBS, but giving your attitude toward
    Just like you lied and said I hacked you I don't believe that anyone is cheating at any of the BBSLink games, you lied repeatedly saying I hacked you so I think you're also lying about the cheating.
    and seeing as you for sure thought to yourself that I WOULD NOT see this message, yet wrote this thinking I would not be able to defend myself really shows your character.

    I just assumed that you twitlisted me guess I was wrong.

    Have fun with your life Denn..
    I will, I wish things could have turned out different but oh weel.

    "... CRIME CONTROL: Fire a warning shot between his eyes!"

    ■ Synchronet ■ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com Telnet - outwestbbs.com:23
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Denn on Thu Nov 2 09:24:08 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: Denn to KK4QBN on Wed Nov 01 2017 23:16:58

    If you remember right I contacted you several times then the scores would work for awhile then I would get emptt score files.

    hince one reason its no longer running.. the scores have never been 0 byte here, and no one else ever complained they were, but truthfully, Marks system is more advanced then the system I had setup to poll them I was and still get them via wget 6 times daily, and then ran a script to send to nodes outbound file dir, I truly don't know why yours would come up empty unless every file was timing out being sent.. then that would make it a problem with the conbection and nothing we were really doing.. Mark showed a much better way of viewing the scores than the cobbled up way I had it anyway, so truthfully none of what I had was needed, we even posted this method in the network itself and the only sysop who replied to it was Daryl.

    Nope I didn't forget the password you blocked my ip and if you want proof I will post the email you sent me where you state that you blocked my ip.

    I sent an email stating SBBS blocked your IP for too many attempted logins it's still in the logfiles, along with yours and your user #3 are in my hack.log file WITH THE SAME IP ADDRESS that user has never had an account on this BBS so I really don't know why he would even try to login without creating an account.


    I've not lied about anything to my knowledge, I may be WRONG about some things, but I do know that I have been level 10 trolled by a few people simply because they do not like that I'm up front and don't care to tell them what I think. If I find I'm wrong about something I've always been quick to apologize and try to make a mends, some people are just too damn proud for that though with their infinite knowledge.

    I just assumed that you twitlisted me guess I was wrong.

    I've never had issue with you.. only with 2 people.. and they did'nt get twitlisted until I got the BBS back online from backup because I did'nt want this crap to start over again.

    people take things I say and think it's about them, in doing that they either have an over-inflated ego, or they are guilty to some extent.. or both..

    this dead horse has been beaten too many damn times.. lets please bury it and let it go away..

    the only reason I posted the post I did in here was to tell sysops to STOP polling my system for mail because it's not there anymore, this is the main place I advertised that network.

    I still have people polling my system..

    what does that tell you about the state of affairs in BBSland.. Why even join a network if you do not participate? :-)


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Denn on Thu Nov 2 10:15:10 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: KK4QBN to Denn on Thu Nov 02 2017 09:24:08

    Nope I didn't forget the password you blocked my ip and if you want
    proof I will post the email you sent me where you state that you
    blocked my ip.


    I do remember this, because I thought you and the other user may have been the same person... It was also unblocked less than an hour or so later when I knew that you were'nt.. that still does'nt explain why my hack.log shows both of you trying to login under the same IP address, that is what made me suspicious..

    my IP.CAN shows:

    ; Telnet - TOO MANY CONSECUTIVE FAILED LOGIN ATTEMPTS by Denn Gray on Mon Sep 18 2017 10:55:07
    ; Hostname: <no name>

    Thats why your IP was banned.. usually in that case if someone asks i'll simply take their IP out of the list.

    anyway.. I apologize for being overly suspicious.. I was just trying to provide a service to people, it had it's issues, especially when my hd went down and the fact people undermine what I try to do because they cannot get over trangressions that happened more than 10 years ago..

    I just want it to be over with.. and this mob mentality shit sucks.. it seems to be commonplace these days though.. everyone is mad at something..

    I just hate cheaters and backstabbers.. otherwise I STFU and go on my way..


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to KK4QBN on Thu Nov 2 08:03:53 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: KK4QBN to Denn on Thu Nov 02 2017 09:24 am

    If you remember right I contacted you several times then the scores
    would work for awhile then I would get emptt score files.

    hince one reason its no longer running.. the scores have never been 0 byte here, and no one else ever complained they were, but truthfully, Marks

    All I know is that sometimes the scores worked most of the they did not but the qwk message base allways worked fine.

    this dead horse has been beaten too many damn times.. lets please bury it and let it go away..

    I agree, it's not my intention to keep anything going and I agree let's just get past this and move on, I mis spoke about your qwk network it was only the score files that didn't work for me but the message base worked great.

    "... Never use a big word when a little dirty one will do."

    ■ Synchronet ■ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com Telnet - outwestbbs.com:23
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Denn on Thu Nov 2 12:22:35 2017
    Re: BBSLink QWK Network
    By: Denn to KK4QBN on Thu Nov 02 2017 08:03:53

    I agree, it's not my intention to keep anything going and I agree let's just get past this and move on, I mis spoke about your qwk network it was only the score files that didn't work for me but the message base worked great.

    Sounds great to me.. Mark has a much better way to dynamicaly pull the scores straight from his server on demand anyway, it's just beyond me to write a full JS that will do it.. I'm trying though.. I need a project like that to help learn the structure of JS better anyway.. What I had setup was a hodge podge mcgyver way of doing things.. the QWK networking I know well, I've run many and gated many qwk networks in my time.. but I moved from using windows to using linux and some of ways I had setup to move the scorefiles did not translate well to linux, that and I believe the 0 byte issue may have been a permissions issue on my side that I just could'nt work out.. I truly don't understand why it did it.. hell it could of been that I had bad sectors on my HDD because thats around the time my hdd crashed.. my backups had everything except the new scripts I wrote that moved the scorefiles that I believed worked well.. but I pretty much thought to myself there is no reason to keep it going because Mark already had in place everything a crafty sysop could use to arrive at the same ends.

    I did'nt even know BBSLink had a networked wall when I first thought up the qwk network, thats the only reason I really did it.. I thought people needed a way to communicate.. then I found the BBSLink wall.. lol.. thats when I first decided to shut bbslink qwk network down.. then I had about 7 sysops at once sign up for it so I thought.. well maybe it will work..

    but anyway.. history.. I just wanna start over :) I've really never had issues with you Denn, just misconceptions I jumped the gun too quickly, and I believe someone was in there trying to make it worse.. you and RH are in my hack.log with the same IP, but none of the IPs you have mentioned nor is it the same IP that WAS in the ip.can from the password ordeal.

    take care.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - bbs.kk4qbn.com - Chatsworth GA USA