• RE: College corruption (was GAB)

    From Arelor@VERT/HAVENS to Dream Master on Fri Feb 19 05:43:23 2021
    Re: Re: GAB
    By: Dream Master to Gamgee on Thu Feb 18 2021 06:49 pm

    So, you don't think it's accurate to say that nearly *ALL* colleges
    tend to try and sway students to the Left? You don't think that
    nearly *ALL* college "professors" are liberals and try to add their
    personal political beliefs into their lesson plans?

    Yes, that is what I am saying. I've been to colleges in Orange County, California and Denver, Colorado. My professors were on both sides and I never once felt indoctrinated into a certain "mindset". Once again, you take what you want from college. I spent many hours debating professors who were on both sides, I learned some, laughed some, and regretted some of those conversations. Ultimately, I still learned.

    I suspect you have been to Colleges much different to the ones I have been in.

    When the 2009 budget cuts hit my local College, they fired half the auxiliary personal, but kept all the politically loaded programs and political student associations. I think this says it all.

    Heck, it is illegal to place political propaganda near College buildings, and the place was boiling with posters last time I was near mine. And mine was not one of the really bad ones.

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