• RSGB: Amateur Radio Primary Allocations in the UK are “Insufficient”

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Dec 30 21:01:56 2015

    The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB[1]) is quoted in the UK Spectrum Usage & Demand Second Report, saying that it believes current Amateur Radio primary allocations are insufficient. The RSGB pointed out that there are no primary ham radio allocations between 400 MHz and 24 GHz in the UK, "threatening confidence, investment, and growth" in Amateur Radio. The UK Spectrum Policy Forum released the report on December 18. Launched in 2013, the forum is a sounding board on long-term UK spectrum issues for the government and UK telecoms regulator Ofcom.

    "The problem is greatest for satellite transponders, EME and narrowband terrestrial systems," RSGB continued. "Additional spectrum is needed to relieve digital voice congestion, enable new technology experimentation, introduce and extend digital TV, introduce new data modes and higher speed data technologies and to continue to enable the UK's lead in small satellites."

    RSGB said the Amateur Radio community "contributes to the UK's technology skills base, providing knowledge and education (at no cost)" and provides voluntary communication support during emergencies and disasters. - Thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio News 

    [1] http://www.rsgb.org

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