• New Section Manager Appointed in Missouri

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Mon Jan 11 22:04:54 2016

    ARRL's Missouri Section has a new leader. Cecil Higgins, AC0HA, of Pittsburg, Missouri, has been appointed as ARRL Missouri Section Manager, effective January 11. Dale Bagley, K0KY, had stepped down because of family commitments after having served as Missouri's SM since June 1999. Bagley recommended Higgins for the post.

    ARRL Manager of Field Services and Radiosport Dave Patton, NN1N, made the appointment after reviewing Bagley's recommendation and consulted with ARRL Midwest Division Director Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, before making the

    A ham for more than 20 years, Higgins has served previously as an Assistant Section Manager, an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, and the District Emergency Coordinator for ARES District D in Missouri. He is retired from a career in law enforcement and in emergency management.

    Higgins will complete the current SM term of office, which continues until December 31, 2016. 

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