• “Cows” DXpedition Now Active from Tuvalu

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT to QST on Fri Jul 29 16:25:05 2016
    Subject: ΓÇ£CowsΓÇ¥ DXpedition Now Active from Tuvalu
    @MSGID: <579B8361.2314.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    The "Cows Over the World" branded round-robin DXpedition by Tom Callas, KC0W, continues from Tuvalu as T2COW until August 18. He will be on CW only on HF through 6 meters, running 500 W into vertical antennas over salt water.

    KC0W plans to be active in all major CW contests, and he updates his operating schedule on his QRZ.com profile site. His next stop after Tuvalu will be Vanuatu, August 20-September 21. Future planned stops include Western Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tokelau, Temotu, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan.

    QSL to KC0W directly.

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