• ARISS US Team to Host ARISS-International Summit

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT to QST on Fri Jul 29 16:25:09 2016
    Subject: ARISS US Team to Host ARISS-International Summit
    @MSGID: <579B8365.2317.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    The US Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS[1]) team will host the ARISS-International "face-to-face" summit in the Houston, Texas, area this fall. A highlight of the November 15-18 gathering will be a tour of NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) - across the street from the meeting site at the ISS Conference Facility, 1800 Space Park Drive, Nassau Bay, Texas. Members of the public may attend as observers.

    The ARISS-International meeting follows on the heels of the AMSAT[2] Space Symposium, and ARISS has encouraged Symposium participants to stay for the ARISS-International meeting.

    The ARISS-International summit coincides with the 20th anniversary of the ARISS program; the first international ARISS meeting took place at NASA JSC in November 1996, and ARISS will commemorate its 2 decades of success at this year's summit.

    This year's meeting will focus on the ARISS hardware development project and future initiatives, sustaining the ARISS program through strategic partnerships and fundraising, and improving educational outcomes.

    Anyone interested in attending the ARISS-International meeting November 15-18 may contact Rosalie White[3], K1STO, or ARISS-International Chair Frank Bauer[4], KA3HDO. - Thanks to ARISS

    [1] http://www.ariss.org/
    [2] http://www.amsat.org/
    [3] mailto:k1sto@arrl.org
    [4] mailto:ka3hdo@verizon.net

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