• Local Man Returns Hamfest Doorprize

    From Ham Hijinks de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thu Dec 1 10:26:10 2016
    Subject: Local Man Returns Hamfest Doorprize
    @MSGID: <583FFAC2.2369.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>
    By K5KVN[1], on the scene

    BLOCKTOWN, NEBRASKA - Moments after winning a door prize at the Midwest Hills Hamfest, one local ham radio operator says he began having second thoughts about keeping the prize.

    "I never win anything. So, imagine my delight when they called my name," said Bert Beleighmuh, who was one of the lucky winners last weekend.

    Hamfest officials say about a dozen door prizes were available at the hamfest, all donated by club members.

    "They handed me a 4-pack of used Chinese-made PL259s that still had some solder in the barrels. I turned to head back to the snack bar, but turned right back around and just shook my head," said Beleighmuh.

    Witnesses say the hamfest emcee, Willard Persing, was stunned but handled it well.

    "Well, I covered the microphone with my hand and jokingly said, 'You ungrateful S-O-B,'" Persing explained.

    He then handed Beleighmuh, an extra-class ham radio operator, the next prize in the stack: a technician-class exam study guide.

    "Now that's something that might come in handy," said Beleighmuh.

    ### HamHijinks.com

    photo credit: Inside Exhibits[2] via photopin[3] (license)[4]

    [1] https://www.qrz.com/db/k5kvn
    [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/42381146@N00/4085487849
    [3] http://photopin.com
    [4] https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

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