• Rare Polar Openings Reported on 630 Meters

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tue Dec 6 22:41:34 2016
    Subject: Rare Polar Openings Reported on 630 Meters
    @MSGID: <58473E9E.2387.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    John Langridge, KB5NJD/WG2XIQ, reports that "extremely rare polar openings" have been occurring the past three nights on 630 meters between a number of North American stations and Rolf Torvik, LA2XPA, in Norway.

    "This path is straight through the auroral oval, and quiet geomagnetic conditions have allowed signals to traverse the polar regions," Langridge told ARRL. He said LA2XPA has "an amazing station on an isolated island and is using 500- to 700-meter long Beverages. It's quite remarkable."

    He said these openings also appear to be happening on 160 meters to a lesser extent, "based on a number of reports."

    While Amateur Radio does not yet have access to 630 meters in the US, several enthusiasts of the nether regions, such as Langridge, have FCC Part 5 Experimental licenses or are part of the ARRL 600 Meter Experiment (WD2XSH[1]). Langridge has been chronicling[2] the activity on his blog.

    [1] http://500kc.com/
    [2] http://njdtechnologies.net/category/630-meter-daily-reports/

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