• Free App Allows Blind Hams to Work PSK31

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Apr 5 18:05:47 2017
    Subject: Free App Allows Blind Hams to Work PSK31
    @MSGID: <58E531FB.2780.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    A free, new app - Accessible Digipan[1] - has been released that allows blind hams to operate PSK31. The download includes the app, audio tutorials, detailed written guides, and additional helpful resources, plus DigiPan[2] PSK31 and PSK63 software.

    ARRL member Richard McDonald, KK6MRH, and Jim Snowbarger, WA0PSS - both blind - developed the program. "Until now, blind hams worldwide have not had any accessible program to work PSK31," McDonald said. "Now they do."

    Accessible Digipan brings together the most popular screen reader, JAWS, and DigiPan, McDonald said, and the app will work with many different kinds of rigs, interfaces, and Windows versions.

    [1] http://accessibledigipan.org/
    [2] http://www.digipan.net/

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