• Caribbean Emergency Weather Net Activates; FEMA Announces Interoperability Nets

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Mon Sep 18 22:28:57 2017
    Subject: Caribbean Emergency Weather Net Activates; FEMA Announces Interoperability Nets
    @MSGID: <59C048A9.3239.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    Jeff Austin, 9Y4J, Emergency Coordinator Advisory Group, IARU Region 2, Area E, reports that the Caribbean Emergency Weather Net (CEWN[1]), activated at 1030 UTC on 3.815 MHz. The net will use 3.815 and/or 7.188 MHz as propagation dictates. The CEWN will provide 24-hour coverage during the passage of Hurricane Maria and in the storm's immediate wake, in case there is a need to pass health-and-welfare traffic.

    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will activate 60-meter interoperability nets on September 19 for Hurricane Maria. These and will remain active until the storm has passed and the need for these nets no longer exists.

    These FEMA stations, including call signs, could be monitoring and/or conducting interoperable nets on the 5-MHz/60-meter band frequencies in support of Hurricane Maria:

    Region 1         KF1EMA

    Region 2         KF2EMA (includes Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands)

    Region 3         KF3EMA

    Region 4         KF4EMA

    Maynard MERS          NF1EMA

    Frederick MERS         NF3EMA

    Thomasville MERS    NF4EMA 

    The frequencies to be used are Channel 1, 5.331 MHz (primary voice traffic) and Channel 2, 5.346.5 MHz (digital traffic).

    The FEMA point of contact is Dave Adsit[2], KG4BIR, FEMA Spectrum Manager - (540) 272-4605.


    [1] http://cewn.org/
    [2] mailto:david.adsit@fema.dhs.gov

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