• Caribbean Emergency Weather Net Requests Clear Frequency

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Sep 20 22:54:18 2017
    Subject: Caribbean Emergency Weather Net Requests Clear Frequency
    @MSGID: <59C2F19A.3252.dove-ham@wd1cks.org>

    The Caribbean Emergency Weather Net (CEWN[1]) has been providing round-the-clock coverage during the passage of Hurricane Maria and in the storm's immediate wake on 7.188 and 3.815 MHz and is requesting a clear frequency. The CEWN is continuing to handle health-and-welfare traffic in and out of Dominica and is accepting inquiries[2] via e-mail. (Indicate your name location as well as that of the party sought).

    Jeff Austin, 9Y4J, has reported that no emergency operations center has been established, airports remain closed, and damage assessment of the seaports is under way, which would determine how soon relief supplies and significant human resources can access the island.


    [1] http://cewn.org/
    [2] mailto:WelfareDominica@cewn.org

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