• And the band played on..

    From ROB MCCART@VERT/CAPCITY2/CAPCITY to ALL on Sat Nov 26 16:55:00 2011
    A friend of mine has a Fujitsu 17" Notebook computer and it recently
    developed a screen problem. There is a bright band about 1.25" wide
    with sharp edges running top to bottom a couple of inches from the
    left side. It appears almost white at first glance but you can see
    what should be on that part of the screen through it if you look
    closely. I rebooted the computer into BIOS thinking this would
    eliminate any chance of it being software related and the band was
    still there so I assume this must be a hardware failure of some sort.
    Anyone ever run into anything like this and/or knows what causes it ?

    ■ SLMR Rob ■ Boys will be boys, but men are better at it ■
    ■ PDQWK 2.52 #17
    ■ BgNet 1.0ß12 ≈ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
  • From echto@VERT/ECHTOBBS to ROB MCCART on Sun Nov 27 14:04:31 2011
    Re: And the band played on..
    By: ROB MCCART to ALL on Sat Nov 26 2011 16:55:00

    A friend of mine has a Fujitsu 17" Notebook computer and it recently developed a screen problem. There is a bright band about 1.25" wide
    with sharp edges running top to bottom a couple of inches from the
    left side. It appears almost white at first glance but you can see
    what should be on that part of the screen through it if you look
    closely. I rebooted the computer into BIOS thinking this would
    eliminate any chance of it being software related and the band was
    still there so I assume this must be a hardware failure of some sort.
    Anyone ever run into anything like this and/or knows what causes it ?

    What happens when you press around the edges where the white band is located? Does it make it worse, or do nothing? I have seen connection problems create similar issues. Also, impacts will do that kind of damage to the screen. It could simply be broken. Any signs of impact along the edges? Also, is the laptop carried around in a backpack? Backpacks, books, and laptops can be a bad mix.

    ■ Synchronet ■ -=-= echto bbs =-=-