• New sysop with a few ques

    From Momotombo@VERT/MMBBS to Jas Hud on Sun Feb 12 20:09:25 2012
    Re: New sysop with a few ques
    By: Jas Hud to Momotombo on Sun Feb 12 2012 06:21 pm

    Re: New sysop with a few ques
    By: Momotombo to All on Sun Feb 12 2012 12:58:00

    As you can see, this file is a little garbled-looking. I can see that the CTRL codes that are causing it to look that way, and when they're actuall being displayed it looks much nicer. I was wondering if there's some way display the file a bit more "correctly" so that I can have an easier time editing it.

    what i would do is draw the ansi and THEN, open up the .ans file in a text editor and add those AT codes at the bottom of the file. there are AT codes that specify the cordinates but i've never used them. i just use ansi positioning codes.
    ie esc[1;1H is col 1, row 1

    another thing that is easier is open up the file with thedraw and turn
    on animation mode and THEN type in the AT codes where you want them to be. then they wont get pushed around.

    I've looked at the .src files and they look easy enough to edit. I can pr just comment out commands in the default.src in order to restrict users f going to certain screens, right? I assumed default.src was for the main m

    i would suggest starting out with the renegade command shell. it's easy to modify as a sysop and it's easy for users to understand.
    turn off that shit where new users can pick from command shells. it's just lame.

    Thanks, I'll try this out soon. I'm pretty new to BBSes in general so I have a couple more questions

    I noticed while browsing messages that all of the theads and replies are just listed together in one place. is it possible to view just the topic messages without the replies, or to have a threaded view? maybe newer forums have
    just spoiled me, haha

    I've never looked at the renegade shell, so I'll try it out now. I didn't even know there would be much of a difference between the shells for some reason

    oh yeah, I wanted users to be able to make an account for the BBS through a webpage. can this be done relatively easily?

    thanks again for your help

    ■ Synchronet