D'Bridge 4 update released
Nick Andre@1:229/426 to
All on Thu Mar 4 01:05:22 2021
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█ D'Bridge EMAIL System █
Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.
VERSION 4 - MARCH 4 2021
Depending on your obsessive-compulsive nature this could be an "important" upgrade for those of you currently running D'Bridge.
If you are upgrading, please take a full backup of your D'Bridge system
before installing this update. If the BinkD subsystem is running, it must
be shutdown completely prior to installing this update.
- BinkD subsystem upgraded to 1.1a-112 as per Rob Swindell's correction
for a more "graceful" shutdown of BinkD.
- Minor long-term reliability and stability improvements in the BinkD
integration code.
- Less disk access between D'Bridge staging to the BinkD subsystem.
- Some minor code cleanup and improvements to the generated BinkD
configuration for better compatibility in scenarios with Linux as the
operating system running a DOS emulator (\\'s are now /'s). If you run
such a setup and have a "shim" in your configuration to translate paths,
it is no longer necessary and should be removed.
- Packet logging improvements. Note that you should not enable packet
logging unless there is a really good reason to do so since this will
likely double the size of the system log, especially on busy systems.
- ABOUT and FILES in Config-Directory paths are phased out. Any saved
settings are now merged into SPECIFIC REQUESTS if you are upgrading from
a prior version. SPECIFIC REQUESTS should be used going forward for
anything that needs a "magic name" during a mailer file-request.
- Should have reduced CPU usage in certain scenarios.
- Improvements to new installations; slightly better "more straightforward"
install screens, and a question about which storage format to configure
instead of just assuming Fido *.MSG storage.
- Not happy with the Echomail area-export code, this will likely change in
a future release.
- Origin line can be blank on outgoing packed/scanned messages.
- Whenever possible, the internal message editor will show a "d" flag next
to deleted messages in the List command.
- Several minor bug fixes in Editor-Echomail areas, Editor-Fileecho areas
and Editor-Actions.
- Bug fix in Config-Nodelists-Point lists.
- A minor improvement in the internal editor for QuickBBS/GoldBase.
- If the Message Databases path is not set up in Config-Directory Paths,
the system assumes the message files are in the D'Bridge directory.
- Revised the F1-Help system and user manual accordingly.
Nick Andre
--- Renegade vY2Ka2
* Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)