• OS/2 BBS?

    From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to rob cole on Tue Jan 31 11:58:32 2023
    Greetings rob!

    Tuesday June 08 2021 22:18, you wrote to Adam Hall about an urgent matter!:

    Is there any OS/2 hosted BBS out there? Used to use OS/2 almost 30
    years ago. Even wrote some commercial games for it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/02 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 8-Bit Boyz BBS! -=[ bbs.8bitboyz.com port:6502 ]=-

    WWIV just released an update that added native OS/2 support back.

    https://github.com/wwivbbs/wwiv/releases/tag/wwiv_5.7.1 is the URL to download it. and http://docs.wwivbbs.org is the documentation.

    It's new OS/2 code, so possibly buggy, consider it alpha quality, but
    it seems to work well, and works with the telnet server (wwivd) just
    like Windows and Linux does.

    I just installed this on arca... I am curious tho, what message format does it support? squish jam? I already have a hpt/binkd set up on that machine would just like to continue using that with the wwiv bbs? Any idea if that is possible?


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Max takes your BBSing to the Maximum and further!
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From rob cole@3:770/100 to Rick Smith on Mon Feb 6 10:25:17 2023
    I just installed this on arca... I am curious tho, what message format does it support? squish jam? I already have a hpt/binkd set up on that machine would just like to continue using that with the wwiv bbs? Any
    idea if that is possible?

    WWIV uses it's own message base format, the same format since around 1989 I think. I've not written any importers from JAM or Squish. It may be possible to export from JAM to a FTN packet then import that packet into WWIV somehow.


    ... Do device drivers need a chauffeur's license?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)