The government on the other hand has known the last 9 of the 7 mass shootings.
It's ideal to store your guns in a gun safe, but I don't think it's required by law. I don't know how the father could really be guilty of anything.
I've long suspected that the government stages the school shootings, and all these clues just amplify my suspicion.
Back to daddy... He bought his son the gun he used for Christmas of
2023. His son was too young to own one... Father could have bought it
and only let his have unsupervised use of it when he was of age.
I've long suspected that the government stages the school shootings, all these clues just amplify my suspicion.
It is an election year... expect more shootings. And expect that these shooters were known by the government.
It's too easy to armchair quarterback these contract?
Having a kid get bullied at school does things. You want your kid to be able to stand up against those that are putting him down. You also have
a reponsibility to facilitate that in a manner that complies with the social contract.
It's a tough thing to deal with. Like you said, there were a lot of failures here.
As far as the gun issue... I'm tired of beating this stick with a dead horse. Not touching it.
It seems like the dad made a bad mistake, but remember, it's the media feeding all these details to us. Who knows which parts are true or false?
And we should expect the FBI to be vigilant, but how can we?
It's too easy to armchair quarterback these things.
Having a kid get bullied at school does things. You want your kid to be able to stand up against those that are putting him down. You also have
a reponsibility to facilitate that in a manner that complies with the social contract.
It's a tough thing to deal with. Like you said, there were a lot of failures here.
As far as the gun issue... I'm tired of beating this stick with a dead horse. Not touching it.
The facts aren't complete out... Father is being charged with second degree murder, among other things. Apparently the guns were accessible to the boy even after he made threats to the school a year ago.
This shooter was known to the feds a year ago. The school knew and the father
I think the FBI should have put the father on notice and told him that he woul
be found criminally liable for he let his son have access, unsupervised anyway
to his guns.
The father should have locked things up so that his son couldn't do what he did.
Culpability... Apparently the kid was bullied at school... Did the principal have any culpability... maybe?? If not criminally at least financially becaus
he allowed it to happen. What about the FBI... They knew of the situation and
didn't force some kind of intervention.
The father if he had bought him a gun he should not had let the gun be accessible to the child until he was of age.
It seems like the dad made a bad mistake, but remember, it's the media feeding
all these details to us. Who knows which parts are true or false?
Social contract... You're starting to sound like Alan. I say, as a parent, don't ignore you child being bullied until he snaps a gear and takes a gun to school.[...]
As for the father... it was the dumbest thing anyone could have done... If you bought him a gun to hunt with... hunt with it and lock it up.
My worry is this... a lot of times you wonder how we got where we got to... and the answer is simple... The left loves to make slight changes over time so that they get what they want... it may have took 30-40-50 years... But it was done in baby steps.
Last couple shooting they found the parents guilty of something...
There are major red flags the father ignored... I'll give you that. I just think the Democrats are playing the long game here where they hold gun manufacturers liable...
Had the FBI visited me a year prior telling me that my daughter was
making online threats to the school... I'd revisit my thoughts on this...
And we should expect the FBI to be vigilant, but how can we?
I just think we need to look into the culpability of Government officials... School and FBI here. The principal ignored this young man
It seems like the dad made a bad mistake, but remember, it's the media feeding
all these details to us. Who knows which parts are true or false?
Some of what they've fed us has been straight out of the kid's and the father's mouths.
social contract?
It's called Parenting. Children learn what is acceptable from their parents.
At what time is a child transformed from a having a promising future to having no future. Is this when the culture of hip-hop and do what you
want mentality become more dominant and the guidance from parents
becomes a thing that happens in other families.
Ok but I will. It is beyond obvious.
There was a time when young men used to bring riffles to school as a instrument of pride.
Is Diversity and Inclusion responsible, I think it is. aka: Feelings...
I have no problem with anyone wanting to express themselves, but why
must we all be forced to witness and celebrate their triumph?
This has transformed our landscape from being strong to a bunch of sissies.
And it's time to get ready for your armchair quarterbacking....
42 39 56 Hut Hut Hut...
BTW, those numbers are plays and or player's numbers they are Rossie's measurements. Apparently sher has it all!!!
Social contract... You're starting to sound like Alan. I say, as a parent, don't ignore you child being bullied until he snaps a gear and takes a gun to school.
As a parent I should be obligated to help my child have the best experience in school as possible. If my attempts failed and the school shooting happened I'd be in front of the news cameras telling everyone
how and where the School and FBI failed.
The US has the 2nd Amendment... Gob bless America and God bless the constitution...
When I was a boy there is no social outrage. No Trans Flags and no Rainbow flags replacing the American Flags in contract?
It's called Parenting. Children learn what is acceptable from their parents.
That's a load. If that were true, you wouldn't be out there complaining about the trans movement or kids being sissies or whatever gets your panties in a bunch because parents like you would be teaching your young sons (and daughters) what "real" men do. None of today's youth problems would exist.
I opened with a statement about the complexity of situations like this, and you came straight out with guns a'blazin'. You have no interest in genuine discourse here.Where ya been, Reverend?
IB Joe wrote to All <=-
I think the FBI should have put the father on notice and told him that
he would be found criminally liable for he let his son have access, unsupervised anyway, to his guns.
Culpability... Apparently the kid was bullied at school... Did the principal have any culpability... maybe?? If not criminally at least financially because he allowed it to happen. What about the FBI...
They knew of the situation and didn't force some kind of intervention.
Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-
I complained to my rep about the Biden admin lying about replacing lead water pipes. He just made excuses for it and brushed it off. I also complained to that same rep about schools not having sufficient
security, and he brushed that off too. Now it's time for his
re-election, and despite his crystal-clear negligence, I'll still vote
for the POS because if it's not him then it's a Democrat. :(
I complained to my rep about the Biden admin lying about replacing lead water pipes. He just made excuses for it and brushed it off. I also complained to that same rep about schools not having sufficient security, and he brushed tha
off too. Now it's time for his re-election, and despite his crystal-clear negligence, I'll still vote for the POS because if it's not him then it's a Democrat. :(
There was a time when young men used to bring riffles to school as a instrument of pride.
I don't remember that time. My parents don't, either. Maybe my grandparents did, but I'd guess that was to protect themselves from wildlife, not from the Commies.
I have no problem with anyone wanting to express themselves, but why must we all be forced to witness and celebrate their triumph?
What in the unholy fried chicken are you talking about?
That's certainly part of the problem. I had the exact same reaction. But the father had an obligation there, too. All the parents in these situations do. Again, these are complex dynamics.
By your words, the parent is at fault for ignoring their child, and the school
and FBI are at fault for failing the child.
See, some people just like to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
So friggin' what? I have the Constitution hanging on my living room wall too, bro. You don't own patriotism. This isn't about the Bill of Rights. This is about responsibility.
In this case, the FBI actually did act by telling local authorities, who then took the kid's word that "I don't have a Discord account so I couldn't have been making terroristic threats" over the word of the FBI and the evidence they had.
Supposedly the father told authorities that if he thought his kid had
done those things he'd get rid of all his guns. Between the "talk" with authorities and the shooting, the dad instead apparently bought the kid
a gun which was used in the shooting.
That is something that bothers me. In one county in Kentucky, "encounters" with kids at school with weapons went up drastically in
2021 vs. 2019 (the last year before the COVID schoolyear). As nearly
all the kids in the district are under age, where are they getting these weapoms from?
I cannot remember if the district in question includes Louisville or Lexington, but it was not a rural district where some kids might have a hunting rifle in the cab of their pickup. It is a case where the kids
are caught with knives and guns inside the school building, sometimes
even getting them past the metal detectors.
So where are their parents?
That's entertaining and all, but what's the point?
I have no idea who Alan is, and I don't understand the "starting to
sound like" bit when this was my first post in the echo.
That's certainly part of the problem. I had the exact same reaction. But the father had an obligation there, too. All the parents in these situations do. Again, these are complex dynamics.
But you proved that point by contradicting yourself in back to back sentences.
By your words, the parent is at fault for ignoring their child, and the school and FBI are at fault for failing the child.
I'm saying it's a combination of all the above, and for some reason, you want to disagree with me for making a statement that aligns with your position?
So friggin' what? I have the Constitution hanging on my living room wall too, bro. You don't own patriotism. This isn't about the Bill of Rights. This is about responsibility.
But then they wouldn't have an operative for their anti-gun narrative.
Look up "Voices from the Hellmouth". This was a series of posts from Slashdot about the Littleton, CO, shooting back in 1999.
Lots of kids voicing the toxic environment that was actually fostered by the school.
But I'm not going to hold my breath for someone to take responsibility
for the GA shooting. The Elitists are masters at diversion and blaming others for their failures. And it doesn't help when they've corrupted
the judicial system too.
I complained to my rep about the Biden admin lying about replacing le water pipes. He just made excuses for it and brushed it off. I also complained to that same rep about schools not having sufficient security, and he brushed that off too. Now it's time for his re-election, and despite his crystal-clear negligence, I'll still vot for the POS because if it's not him then it's a Democrat. :(
If he's brushing you off, he's a Democrat. Even if he has an "-R" next
to his name.
It's called Parenting. Children learn what is acceptable from th parents.
That's a load. If that were true, you wouldn't be out there complaini about the trans movement or kids being sissies or whatever gets your
When I was a boy there is no social outrage. No Trans Flags and no
Rainbow flags replacing the American Flags in classrooms.
Where ya been, Reverend?
I have been in here for a very long time.
Suggesting that I have no interest because you just so happen to
disagree, honestly... I expected as much.
The Second Amendment allows the father to buy and own a gun.
social contract?
It's called Parenting. Children learn what is acceptable from their
That's a load. If that were true, you wouldn't be out there complaining about the trans movement or kids being sissies or whatever gets your panties in a bunch because parents like you would be teaching your young sons (and daughters) what "real" men do. None of today's youth problems would exist.
I opened with a statement about the complexity of situations like this, and
you came straight out with guns a'blazin'. You have no interest in genuine discourse here.
At what time is a child transformed from a having a promising future to
having no future. Is this when the culture of hip-hop and do what you
want mentality become more dominant and the guidance from parents
becomes a thing that happens in other families.
Hello, Mr. Red Herring.
Ok but I will. It is beyond obvious.
Good. You can have that argument with yourself.
There was a time when young men used to bring riffles to school as a
instrument of pride.
I don't remember that time. My parents don't, either. Maybe my grandparents
did, but I'd guess that was to protect themselves from wildlife, not from the Commies.
Is Diversity and Inclusion responsible, I think it is. aka: Feelings...
If diversity and inclusion were the issue, I'd wager a guess that most of these school shootings wouldn't be happening.
I have no problem with anyone wanting to express themselves, but why
must we all be forced to witness and celebrate their triumph?
What in the unholy fried chicken are you talking about?
This has transformed our landscape from being strong to a bunch of
social contract?
It's called Parenting. Children learn what is acceptable from their
That's a load. If that were true, you wouldn't be out there complaining
about the trans movement or kids being sissies or whatever gets your
panties in a bunch because parents like you would be teaching your young
sons (and daughters) what "real" men do. None of today's youth problems
would exist.
When I was a boy there is no social outrage. No Trans Flags and no Rainbow flags replacing the American Flags in classrooms.
I opened with a statement about the complexity of situations like
this, and you came straight out with guns a'blazin'. You have no
interest in genuine discourse here.
Where ya been, Reverend?
I have been in here for a very long time.
Suggesting that I have no interest because you just so happen to disagree, honestly... I expected as much.
At my school, the administration would have freaked out about it, even if they were for hunting and didn't enter the building.
This is a real names echo, BTW. Thanks.
That's certainly part of the problem. I had the exact same reaction. But father had an obligation there, too. All the parents in these situations Again, these are complex dynamics.
He does indeed, especially in this case. If he'd not been warned by
local authorities that his son was making threats, I might not feel so harshly towards him. But the fact of the matter is he was warned and bought the kid a(nother) weapon anyway. That is negligent.
In other situations, the FBI did nothing and let something happen. In this instance, they informed local authorities who took the kid's word over the FBI evidence. I feel like the FBI did their part of the job,
for once.
There is plenty of that to go around in this echo, from all sides, unfortunately.
Rights and Freedom come with Responsibility, no doubt. I am amazed, at times, how many people don't understand that.
My thoughts exactly... What I thought about you telling me about armchair quarterbacking... I got ready to hear your armchair quarterbacking on the topic. BTW, what you did is called objecting through projection. You projected onto me exactly what you accused me of doing... You armchair quarterback you...
I have no idea who Alan is, and I don't understand the "starting to
He'll introduce himself soon enough...
I said I was suspicious about the government looking to find fault... I'm perfectly okay with finding fault... I just need time to review and
think on things.
I do believe the government needs to do more...
And all I said is this... If we're going to find daddy responsible lets find the agencies also...
Traditional values are all the rage in Russia, with at least 17
Britons and 2 Americans having relocated there due to immigration
reform in that country making it possible for them to relocate.
It is easy access to guns. And type of guns used. On the second
school day of the year, a shooting occurred in Georgia, killing four people - two adults and two children. The shooter surrendered, and
was charged as an adult - at age 14. How many more unnecessary
killings have to happen before this pandemic is brought to an end? Children killing children (and adults) for sport. WE LOVE OUR GUNS!
We love our guns. Doesn't matter who kills who. Or how many folks
get killed. Guns are a sacred right. According to the 2nd Amendment.
Bang Bang Your Dead I Never Pulled The Trigger Alec Baldwin ...
To think that a citizen-led militia stands a chance today is beyond delusion.
So the options are to either fix the root of the problem
He'll introduce himself soon enough...
I can't wait. :)
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
I suspect that he's a Democrat,
gay or trans-gender... Kamala supporter... or something along that line...
BECAUSE if it were
different there'd be all kinds of stuff on the news already. We'd see interviews with his grade 2 teacher and everyone chiming in on how he
was a Trump supporter.
Things always get quiet when the real news is contrary to the
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Right, but there's a slight advantage to having a moderate RINO instead
of a regular Democrat. These RINOs like to get re-elected, and they
can't do it if they completely repulse their voters (like Liz Cheney
This is a real names echo, BTW. Thanks.
Noted and fixed. My apologies and appreciation for the heads up.
(It's been a LONG time since I've run a Fido board.)
I'm still a bit miffed that proponents of indivisualism, local government, and
parental rights are seem to be the first to blame the central government authority for not doing their jobs. Surely someone in the house or town knows better about what's going on than a Fed does. A generalization, I know, but from my vantage point, it tracks.
Rights and Freedom come with Responsibility, no doubt. I am amazed, at times, how many people don't understand that.
This line deserves more attention.
Who parented the generations that fly rainbow flags? Was that your generation?
Where DID they learn that kind of crap from?
Don't you need to know what my views are before you can argue against me?
Well, after all, this 14-year-old kid in Georgia must have been a member of "A well-regulated militia" because that's what the 2nd clearly states, no?
President Bill Clinton did just that. Unfortunately, it was just a
The result can be seen, crystal clear, in the stats after that:
I noticed you asked in another (sysop) echo and didn't get much help as
to how to tell the difference between real names vs. allows aliases echoes.
There are a couple of FIDO file echoes -- BACKBONE and ECHOLIST -- that might be of assistance. One, or both, are where you can get the latest echo list packet. The ELIST file usually arrives once a month --
Honestly, I'm not sure I'd hang my hat on that one. The Reagan administration was doing a pretty darn good job of keeping all these
mass shootings at bay back in the '80s. *cough*
That aside, I'd be fully on board with banning the entire congressional lobby institution, as well as putting a lock on that revolving door problem.
That aside, I'd be fully on board with banning the entire congression lobby institution, as well as putting a lock on that revolving door problem.
Would you get on board with banning the entire congressional institution itself? What good are they? They are on an honor system where they supposedly represent the people in their districts, but here we are getting irritated with their adherence to the whims of lobbyists.
Honestly, I'm not sure I'd hang my hat on that one. The Reagan administration was doing a pretty darn good job of keeping all these
mass shootings at bay back in the '80s. *cough*
The system we use to put people in those seats, however... That demands a complete overhaul. I kind of like the lottery idea with a one term limit. Something akin to voluntary jury duty. (Hey, it can't be any worse than the present state.)
I didn't quote anything...
I have trepidations about charging the/a parent.
All I'm saying is this... To press 2nd degree murder charges on a parent... as stupid as this one maybe... MAY BE an over reach....
You kid goes out and does criminal acts and you get charged because you missed some support payments.
I agree that it needs an overhaul. A lottery system with a single term sounds better than what we have now. Now, committee chairs make the recruitment decisions, and that's bad because 1) they make bad
decisions, and 2) there's some sort of elite alliance that gets
candidate names on the recruiters' desks. Lastly, 3) primaries are rare. We haven't had one (for US Rep) in my region for a very long time. Not
the Republicans nor the Democrats.
I'm afraid that he seems to have given up the attempts to try to educate the brainwashed MAGA cult members here. Like so many othersWhat's wrong with MAGA - Make America Great Again.
before him. Only the cesspool remains.
After all, Alan was from Canada, so he had no idea about anything US-related; only those who live in the US know it all.Alan would deny things that were from verifiable sources at ANY website on the Internet. It was annoying, when we all see the same blue sky and he calls it pink, and then would goto into all kinds of irrational reasons why, not to mention using his twisted Liberal logic as to why he was right and all of us were wrong.
Alan would deny things that were from verifiable sources at ANY website
on the Internet. It was annoying, when we all see the same blue sky and
he calls it pink, and then would goto into all kinds of irrational
This is a real names echo, BTW. Thanks.
Would you get on board with banning the entire congressional institution itself? What good are they? They are on an honor system where they supposedly represent the people in their districts, but here we are getting irritated wit
their adherence to the whims of lobbyists.
I have trepidations about charging the/a parent.
So... if the investigators of this crime have unearthed text messages or something like that... Where daddy says to his son... The gun I bought you is under my bed and there is 3 or 4 loaded magazines in the nightstand... go to school and shoot them MF'ers up for being bullies.
2nd degree murder charges in the US can stem from "Extreme recklessness".
I agree that it needs an overhaul. A lottery system with a single term sounds better than what we have now. Now, committee chairs make the recruitment decisions, and that's bad because 1) they make bad decisions, and 2) there's some sort of elite alliance that gets candidate names on the recruiters' desks
Lastly, 3) primaries are rare. We haven't had one (for US Rep) in my region fo
a very long time. Not the Republicans nor the Democrats.
I noticed you asked in another (sysop) echo and didn't get much help as
to how to tell the difference between real names vs. allows aliases
There are a couple of FIDO file echoes -- BACKBONE and ECHOLIST -- that
might be of assistance. One, or both, are where you can get the latest
echo list packet. The ELIST file usually arrives once a month --
Hey, thanks a ton for that, Mike.
Certainly the most thorough of the responses I've received on that.
I'll have to go back and review.
I remember looking through .. uhh ...
something (as useful as that is) and had names and descriptions but no high
level rules. Will take a closer look over the weekend.
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