A few highlights of Biden Administration.
Leaving Afghanistan - the way we did. - Disaster.
Seeing a Chinese Spy Balloon traversing across the U.S. hovering over our Military installations along the way. Only to be shot down off the Carolina coast. I would of shot it down very quickly.
Sending a message of strength instead of weakness.
Build Back Better and being told it was a success - when people are
still and very much so struggling.
Being told Biden was strong and vibrant - sharp as a tac and let us not forget hard to keep up with. All a lie.
Leaving Afghanistan - the way we did. - Disaster.
Seeing a Chinese Spy Balloon traversing across the U.S. hovering over
our Military installations along the way. Only to be shot down off the Carolina coast. I would of shot it down very quickly.
Sending a message of strength instead of weakness.
Build Back Better and being told it was a success - when people are
still and very much so struggling.
Being told Biden was strong and vibrant - sharp as a tac and let us not forget hard to keep up with. All a lie.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Gregory Deyss <=-
I wish I could find the Biden quote where he said something like:
"Kamala was the last person to leave the room after every decision was made."
Gregory Deyss -> All skrev 2024-11-05 02:21:Who told me of this National embarrassment? - and it was every-bit of that and more. As for the negotiated prisoner release there is so much to that story, then what you have attempted to twist it into.
Leaving Afghanistan - the way we did. - Disaster.
Who told you that? Did he also tell you about the 3000 Taliban terrorists that Trump forced the Afghan government to release from
prison, and that immediately took power?
In the beginning of Joe's Presidency I was skeptical, now that it is nearly done. I have been as others are, reflecting on it now.
It would seem that the skepticism was indeed accurate.
A few highlights of Biden Administration.
Leaving Afghanistan - the way we did. - Disaster.
Seeing a Chinese Spy Balloon traversing across the U.S. hovering over our Military installations along the way. Only to be shot down off the Carolina coast. I would of shot it down very quickly.
Sending a message of strength instead of weakness.
Build Back Better and being told it was a success - when people are still and very much so struggling.
Being told Biden was strong and vibrant - sharp as a tac and let us not forget
hard to keep up with. All a lie.
So I will be voting for who the left calls a Felon.
Make no mistake this was intentioned for tomorrow - Election Day.
All the court cases, all the pundits, all that hate. Tomorrow is the day.
We shall see who comes out on top. America has two possible futures ahead.
I wish I could find the Biden quote where he said something like:
"Kamala was the last person to leave the room after every decision wa made."
You won't find one because da Ho wasn't even in the room.
So I will be voting for who the left calls a Felon.
Make no mistake this was intentioned for tomorrow - Election Day.
All the court cases, all the pundits, all that hate. Tomorrow is the
day. We shall see who comes out on top. America has two possible
futures ahead.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
You won't find one because da Ho wasn't even in the room.
But Biden said she was.
The media is tricking people into thinking that
Kamala isn't Joe but Kamala is totally Joe.
The media is tricking people into thinking that
Kamala isn't Joe but Kamala is totally Joe.
Neither of them were "in charge". Their masters told them what to do.
The thing that the brainwashed leftists didn't get about it though: Joe and Kamala have the same boss.
Mike Powell wrote to GREGORY DEYSS <=-
I also believe we cannot underestimate the female population who are
very angry and who won't make the same choice as you, no matter how bad the other choice might be.
jimmylogan wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I also believe we cannot underestimate the female population who are
very angry and who won't make the same choice as you, no matter how bad the other choice might be.
I'm wondering about that myself... With the push for 'reproductive
rights' (what I call murder) and getting women to vote for that, I
wonder how that affected things?
Not sure we'll know... It affected me, in making me vote AGAINST it.
In the beginning of Joe's Presidency I was skeptical, now that it is near
done. I have been as others are, reflecting on it now.
It would seem that the skepticism was indeed accurate.
I am still perplexed at how so many people were so surprised that Joe melted down during the first 2024 debate. His cognition issues were very obvious even before the 2020 election. Granted, with his lack of public appearances before the 2020 election, they were able to hide it some but, good grief, it was obvious *long* before he and Trump took the stage for that debate.
I know some were denying it on purpose, but there were others that really did seem shocked, and still others (at least one here) who still don't believe he has any cognitive issues.
A few highlights of Biden Administration.
Leaving Afghanistan - the way we did. - Disaster.
Seeing a Chinese Spy Balloon traversing across the U.S. hovering over our
Military installations along the way. Only to be shot down off the Caroli
coast. I would of shot it down very quickly.
Sending a message of strength instead of weakness.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Neither of them were "in charge". Their masters told them what to do.
The thing that the brainwashed leftists didn't get about it though: Joe and Kamala have the same boss.
jimmylogan wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I'm wondering about that myself... With the push for 'reproductive
rights' (what I call murder) and getting women to vote for that, I
wonder how that affected things?
Not sure we'll know... It affected me, in making me vote AGAINST it.
arolinaSeeing a Chinese Spy Balloon traversing across the U.S. hovering over
The fake concerns what if it fell onto a house. I could of been brought down
a sparse area without difficultly or towed and then brought down to via the U.S. Air Force. To leave it floating in with U.S. Air space showed incredible weakness. There is no way that Trump would of left it floating to the
coast. I can just imagine what Trump would of said if he was in
power. "We brought down and we brought it down fast." - Am I right?... lol
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
jimmylogan wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I'm wondering about that myself... With the push for 'reproductive
rights' (what I call murder) and getting women to vote for that, I
wonder how that affected things?
Not sure we'll know... It affected me, in making me vote AGAINST it.
The hard facts are that women have always had 'reproductive rights'.
They say "no" and keep their legs closed.
But the Elitists always dress up their Narratives with opposite
sounding names.
"Reproductive Rights" actually means "not having to take
responsibility for their decisions."
But this was always the plan.
I've noticed for a long time now that more adults seem to be more child-like in their thinking. One of the Elitists' plans was to create
a dependant-class that would always vote them into office. Making
people child-like (unable to make rational decisions, needing someone
to absolve them of their bad decisions, do their thinking for them,
etc.) was being pushed out as early as the 1970's.
To me 'reproductive rights' means 'right to murder my unborn child.'
Just like "planned parenthood" - really means "we kill the unplanned."
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
To me 'reproductive rights' means 'right to murder my unborn child.'
Has anyone ever suggested to you to "murder your unborn child"?
No? I didn't think so.
Just like "planned parenthood" - really means "we kill the unplanned."
Planned parenthood is just that, planned parenthood.
You sound very righteous, and that is OK.
Somebody choosing not to have a baby at this time is also OK.
If someone doesn't have the wherewithal to have a child it might be
better that they don't.
Gregory Deyss -> All skrev 2024-11-05 02:21:I wanted to get back to you as promised. I did reply somewhat, but I was pressed for time as I was getting ready to goto work. Shortly there after it was the election and now the world knows that Donald Trump was victorious within the electoral college and he also won the popular vote too.
Leaving Afghanistan - the way we did. - Disaster.
Who told you that? Did he also tell you about the 3000 Taliban
terrorists that Trump forced the Afghan government to release from
prison, and that immediately took power?
How has this affected you personally?I would ask you the same question, why do you care?
The trajectory of this was no where near me / Home of Uncle Sam (Troy, NY)Seeing a Chinese Spy Balloon traversing across the U.S. hovering over our Military installations along the way. Only to be shot down off the
Carolina coast. I would of shot it down very quickly.
Yeah, of course you would. What do you think would happen if it was shot down over your home?
BBB was masquerading in a Halloween costume and underneath it all it wasBuild Back Better and being told it was a success - when people are still and very much so struggling.The original BBB included all the later Acts that the Biden
administration later managed to pass through a hostile congress.
Every single one was so successful that even the hard-core MAGA Cult members still are taking credit for them.
Stuttering had nothing to do with his fall from grace. His incoherence seen in what is known as the famous Biden Gaffes which can easily pulled up at a moments notice on Youtube.com Followed by Kamala's cackle not to mention her Word Salads. To be unburdened by what has been. I am glad the election is over as well. The Blue Wall turned out to be thw Red Wall.Being told Biden was strong and vibrant - sharp as a tac and let us n forget hard to keep up with. All a lie.Yes, he was and still is strong and vibrant. Just because he
unfortunately no longer is able to overcome his stutter, does not mean that he no longer have 50 years of experience in his brain.
This unlike the Orange Jesus, that time and time again demonstrateIt is clear that the American People have provided that as a opportunity again. Thanks to all my so called liberal friends, oh so very delusional they are. Their seething hated of Trump made us all pay attention to what was being done to this man was so incredibly wrong.
that he knows even less about anything than he did 2016.
To me 'reproductive rights' means 'right to murder my unborn child.'
Has anyone ever suggested to you to "murder your unborn child"?
No? I didn't think so.
Not talking about suggesting to me - talking about the santity of
human life.
Just like "planned parenthood" - really means "we kill the unplanned."
Planned parenthood is just that, planned parenthood.
When they promote killing the unborn, that's the oppisite of
You sound very righteous, and that is OK.
Only because of the Grace of God and the Salvation through Jesus
Christ. In and of myself? Nope - very, very evil!
Somebody choosing not to have a baby at this time is also OK.
If someone doesn't have the wherewithal to have a child it might be
better that they don't.
Choosing not to have a baby by killing the baby?
Does that include after it is born too?
So it's better for a child to be dead than to be born into a life
where their parents don't want it?
Does the same go for one that is already born?
Better to throw it in a dumpster than give it a chance at life?
Serious questions - I'd love to hear your perspective.
So it's better for a child to be dead than to be born into a lifeYou better prepare yourself this guy likes to twist your words and never wants to be proven wrong even in the face of pure logic.
where their parents don't want it? Does the same go for one that
is already born? Better to throw it in a dumpster than give it
a chance at life?
Serious questions - I'd love to hear your perspective.
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
Best form of birth control is a baby asperin held between the knees.
But seriously, when you say that they bring up rape and incest. First, these are a VERY very small percentage, but even in those cases I am against abortion. There are no other crimes where we kill the offspring
of the criminal.
To me 'reproductive rights' means 'right to murder my unborn child.'
It's not 'reproductive' if you are stopping a pregnancy.
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
Somebody choosing not to have a baby at this time is also OK.
If someone doesn't have the wherewithal to have a child it might be
better that they don't.
Choosing not to have a baby by killing the baby?
No killing has happened.
Does that include after it is born too?
That would be murder, that is not happening is it?
So it's better for a child to be dead than to be born into a life
where their parents don't want it?
Nobody in America is aking that argument, why do you?
Does the same go for one that is already born?
Of course not. That isn't happening and I don't understand why you
bring it up.
Better to throw it in a dumpster than give it a chance at life?
Same response. Why do you bring that up?
Serious questions - I'd love to hear your perspective.
Abortion is health care. Today in America women who need health care
are turned away from hospitals because doctors are afraid they will be sued/jailed for giving a woman the care she needs.
These women I bring up had a miscarriage, not an abortion. They wanted their baby and were carrying it to term. After the miscarriage (or an abortion) a women may need a D&C to remove any remaining material in
their body.
A D&C is a fairly simple and common proceedure but it is a life saver
for a woman in need. Women in America have died because they couldn't
get the care they need from their doctor/hospital.
There a recent cases like this, I am not making this up.
Gregory Deyss wrote to jimmylogan <=-
So it's better for a child to be dead than to be born into a life
where their parents don't want it? Does the same go for one that
is already born? Better to throw it in a dumpster than give it
a chance at life?
Serious questions - I'd love to hear your perspective.
You better prepare yourself this guy likes to twist your words and
never wants to be proven wrong even in the face of pure logic. it is infuriating, he fights - like wet fish refusing to be caught.
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
Best form of birth control is a baby asperin held between the knees.
I remember seeing a gag item a long time ago. It was a "birth control pill" and it looked like an asprin, but when you shook it, it made baby crying (LOUD baby crying) sounds.
But seriously, when you say that they bring up rape and incest. First, these are a VERY very small percentage, but even in those cases I am against abortion. There are no other crimes where we kill the offspring
of the criminal.
The Elitists always bring up the fringe cases to bolster their "for everyone" case. Common tactic.
To me 'reproductive rights' means 'right to murder my unborn child.'
It's not 'reproductive' if you are stopping a pregnancy.
And it should always be between the doctor and the parents to make the decision. It some (very, very rare) cases, it may need to be done to
save the life of the mother.
In any case, it's none of the state's business and not society's
problem to pay for.
You better prepare yourself this guy likes to twist your words and never wants to be proven wrong even in the face of pure logic.
it is infuriating, he fights - like wet fish refusing to be caught.
I think our definition of 'killing' is different. I understand
it to be ending a life.
Does the same go for one that is already born?
Of course not. That isn't happening and I don't understand why you
bring it up.
Better to throw it in a dumpster than give it a chance at life?
Same response. Why do you bring that up?
Because I'm asking what the difference is between a baby BEFORE it
is born and a baby AFTER it is born. If it is simply LOCATION, then
why is it okay on one hand and wrong on the other?
I'm trying to point out that it is LIFE in both cases. If you are
for LIFE and defending children (which you haven't said you are
for or against - only pointed out that it is 'murder' - you didn't
say if you were okay with it) then why not in all locations?
Abortion is health care. Today in America women who need health care
are turned away from hospitals because doctors are afraid they will be
sued/jailed for giving a woman the care she needs.
Women "NEED" abortions. That's the part I can't get behind.
A woman "NEEDS" to kill her unborn child.
I don't understand how that has become the norm in this country.
There a recent cases like this, I am not making this up.
I have heard of ONE case like this - only one - but it is broght up all
the time, even here in Tennessee.
I need to reveiw the details but my understanding is the person didn't die because the doctor was scared to give a simple procedure (yes, simple - my wife had a D&C after our first child was lost in a miscarriage in 1990). My understanding was there were other factors.
The point being, women have miscarriages all the time, sadly, and
medical procedures to take care of them still happen all the time. I've
seen no proof that doctors are 'scared,' just rhetoric about it.
These women I bring up had a miscarriage, not an abortion. They wanted their baby and were carrying it to term. After the miscarriage (or an abortion) a women may need a D&C to remove any remaining material in their body.
A D&C is a fairly simple and common proceedure but it is a life saver for a woman in need. Women in America have died because they couldn't get the care they need from their doctor/hospital.
There a recent cases like this, I am not making this up.
I often do try to get bona-fide facts that are from variable from non biased sites - on the internet. I even check out multiple sites -just to make sure that the narrative of thoughts are proven true and correct.You better prepare yourself this guy likes to twist your words and never wants to be proven wrong even in the face of pure logic.
Go ahead and prove me wrong. You'll need some facts.
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
I think our definition of 'killing' is different. I understand
it to be ending a life.
Our definition of killing is much the same I think.
If a woman chooses to have an abortion no one has been killed.
Does the same go for one that is already born?
Of course not. That isn't happening and I don't understand why you
bring it up.
Better to throw it in a dumpster than give it a chance at life?
Same response. Why do you bring that up?
Because I'm asking what the difference is between a baby BEFORE it
is born and a baby AFTER it is born. If it is simply LOCATION, then
why is it okay on one hand and wrong on the other?
A baby is born after a 9 month gestation period.
I'm trying to point out that it is LIFE in both cases. If you are
for LIFE and defending children (which you haven't said you are
for or against - only pointed out that it is 'murder' - you didn't
say if you were okay with it) then why not in all locations?
It is the womans life until it is born.
Abortion is health care. Today in America women who need health care
are turned away from hospitals because doctors are afraid they will be
sued/jailed for giving a woman the care she needs.
Women "NEED" abortions. That's the part I can't get behind.
That's what I have been reading.
A woman "NEEDS" to kill her unborn child.
There is no child at that point, no killing is taking place.
I don't understand how that has become the norm in this country.
What's right for you might not be right for someone else.
No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion. Why would you force
someone to carry a child to term? There are many valid reasons why a
woman might choose an abortion.
There a recent cases like this, I am not making this up.
I have heard of ONE case like this - only one - but it is broght up all
the time, even here in Tennessee.
There are several recent cases, another in Texas.
I need to reveiw the details but my understanding is the person didn't die because the doctor was scared to give a simple procedure (yes, simple - my wife had a D&C after our first child was lost in a miscarriage in 1990). My understanding was there were other factors.
In the case I was talking about the woman was turned away because her condition was not life threatening and they had to wait until it was. After a short time her condition did become life threatening and did in fact end her life before she could be receive the care she needed.
The point being, women have miscarriages all the time, sadly, and
medical procedures to take care of them still happen all the time. I've
seen no proof that doctors are 'scared,' just rhetoric about it.
That's not rhetoric. That is what is happening today.
Now that the states are in charge it is my hope that states will step
up and that doctors will be free from fear of litigation or
imprisonment to care for women when needed.
Having you here just repeating this liberal non-sense is really disrespectful especially to those who are continuing to struggle.
If a woman chooses to have an abortion no one has been killed.
Then our definition is NOT the same.
It is the womans life until it is born.
So in your mind a pregnant woman has two hearts? Two sets of lungs?
Women "NEED" abortions. That's the part I can't get behind.
That's what I have been reading.
Good. I'm not failing to make my stand known then. :-)
And that is something I guess we'll never agree on. I will firmly
defend the life inside the woman just as strongly as the life
outside the woman - and the woman's life too.
No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion. Why would you force
someone to carry a child to term? There are many valid reasons why a
woman might choose an abortion.
Again, we disagree on the definition of 'valid.' And you're right, no
one is forcing abortions. They are being celebrated though, and that
turns my stomach...
There a recent cases like this, I am not making this up.
I have heard of ONE case like this - only one - but it is broght up all
the time, even here in Tennessee.
There are several recent cases, another in Texas.
My takeaway is that it is VERY very sad what happened, but saying that abortion shouldn't be illegal doesn't fix when doctors make mistakes.
That's not rhetoric. That is what is happening today.
Okay - it's MOSTLY rhetoric, at least in my state.
Left leaning legislaters want to say, "doctors are leaving the state becasue they are scared," when the truth is they are leaving because they can't perform abortions - something they make money on.
Now that the states are in charge it is my hope that states will step
up and that doctors will be free from fear of litigation or
imprisonment to care for women when needed.
Again, I'll disagree on the word 'care' there. Your form of care
sounds like abortion on demand, and I hope the states will rise up
and NOT allow it.
Sadly selfishness has come out on top in a lot of states thus far.
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
Not society's to pay for - agreed
Not the state's business? There are laws against slavery - there are
laws against stealing - there are laws against murder of the born...
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
If a woman chooses to have an abortion no one has been killed.
Then our definition is NOT the same.
OK. I don't see any murder in abortion.
I see a woman making a decision for herself and her future.
It is the womans life until it is born.
So in your mind a pregnant woman has two hearts? Two sets of lungs?
And that is something I guess we'll never agree on. I will firmly
defend the life inside the woman just as strongly as the life
outside the woman - and the woman's life too.
That's good to know.
The only difference betwwen our positions is that I beleive a woman has the right to privacy and to make her own choice.
I may not agree with her choice or some parts of it, but it is still
her choice to make and she free to do what is best for her.
That's not rhetoric. That is what is happening today.
Okay - it's MOSTLY rhetoric, at least in my state.
It is not rhetoric, it is happening and will continue to happen unless
it is corrected.
Abortion is health care for women. They need or want it as the case may be.
Abortion on demand is not a thing.
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
Not society's to pay for - agreed
Not the state's business? There are laws against slavery - there are
laws against stealing - there are laws against murder of the born...
In my opinion (so take that for what it's worth), the only 3 people who should have any say in abortion are:
1. The mother
2. The father
3. The doctor
With all three deciding what is best for the family.
The state should have no say in the matter.
I see a woman making a decision for herself and her future.
Then we will never agree on this. I see the baby in the womb
as just as alive and a SEPERATE PERSON as the woman is.
It is the womans life until it is born.
So in your mind a pregnant woman has two hearts? Two sets of lungs?
Then how is it just her?
I believe in freedom of choice - I can choose to own a gun or not, but
I don't have the right to use that gun to murder someone else.
Right now abortion is legal in most places, and probably growing, but it doesn't make it morally right.
It is not rhetoric, it is happening and will continue to happen unless
it is corrected.
Again, in Tennessee there are no reports of this. There are people claiming it happens, because it goes against what they are pushing, but it's not actually happening.
Abortion on demand is not a thing.
Really? In some states you can get an abortion for any reason whatsoever.
How is that not abortion on demand?
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
In my opinion (so take that for what it's worth), the only 3 people who should have any say in abortion are:
1. The mother
2. The father
3. The doctor
With all three deciding what is best for the family.
The state should have no say in the matter.
So the state should have no say in protecting the life
of the unborn?
Left leaning legislaters want to say, "doctors are leaving the state becasue
they are scared," when the truth is they are leaving because they can't perform abortions - something they make money on.
Doctors make money delivering babies as well.
Abortion on demand is not a thing.
I see a woman making a decision for herself and her future.
Then we will never agree on this. I see the baby in the womb
as just as alive and a SEPERATE PERSON as the woman is.
Again, in Tennessee there are no reports of this. There are people claiming it happens, because it goes against what they are pushing, but it's not actually happening.
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
If a woman chooses to have an abortion no one has been killed.
Then our definition is NOT the same.
OK. I don't see any murder in abortion.
I see a woman making a decision for herself and her future.
It is the womans life until it is born.
So in your mind a pregnant woman has two hearts? Two sets of lungs?
And that is something I guess we'll never agree on. I will firmly
defend the life inside the woman just as strongly as the life
outside the woman - and the woman's life too.
That's good to know.
The only difference betwwen our positions is that I beleive a woman has the right to privacy and to make her own choice.
I may not agree with her choice or some parts of it, but it is still
her choice to make and she free to do what is best for her.
That's not rhetoric. That is what is happening today.
Okay - it's MOSTLY rhetoric, at least in my state.
It is not rhetoric, it is happening and will continue to happen unless
it is corrected.
Abortion is health care for women. They need or want it as the case may be.
Abortion on demand is not a thing.
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
Not society's to pay for - agreed
Not the state's business? There are laws against slavery - there are
laws against stealing - there are laws against murder of the born...
In my opinion (so take that for what it's worth), the only 3 people who should have any say in abortion are:
1. The mother
2. The father
3. The doctor
With all three deciding what is best for the family.
The state should have no say in the matter.
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
Do you see two people or one when you look at a woman?
Right now abortion is legal in most places, and probably growing, but it doesn't make it morally right.
No one is asking you to go against your morals, or asking to abide by theirs.
Abortion on demand is not a thing.
Really? In some states you can get an abortion for any reason whatsoever. How is that not abortion on demand?
Abortion on demand is a right wing talking point.
Women may want or need an abortion, it is not a demand.
If abortion is outlawed women will still have abortions because they
want or need it. This is dangerous. It is better that women have a safe place to get the care that they need.
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
In my opinion (so take that for what it's worth), the only 3 people who should have any say in abortion are:
1. The mother
2. The father
3. The doctor
With all three deciding what is best for the family.
The state should have no say in the matter.
So the state should have no say in protecting the life
of the unborn?
I'm saying that the state has no business running my life. Period.
jimmylogan wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
I see a woman making a decision for herself and her future.
Then we will never agree on this. I see the baby in the womb
as just as alive and a SEPERATE PERSON as the woman is.
Again, in Tennessee there are no reports of this. There are people claiming it happens, because it goes against what they are pushing, but it's not actually happening.
Abortion on demand is not a thing.
Really? In some states you can get an abortion for any reason
whatsoever. How is that not abortion on demand?
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
I'm saying that the state has no business running my life. Period.
Not to put words in your mouth, but you mean in abortion cases, right?
You're okay with the government taking tax money, making laws about traffic, requiring you to have an ID, etc.?
Right now abortion is legal in most places, and probably growing, but it doesn't make it morally right.
No one is asking you to go against your morals, or asking to abide by theirs.
Then don't ask for me to pay for it either.
That fetus has all the rights given to it from the constitution after the 1st trimester.
I believe life begins at fertilization, so I'm against it all. BUT -
your poposal has merit! That would save a TON of lives, which is
much more than is being done now.
Again, in Tennessee there are no reports of this. There are people claiming it happens, because it goes against what they are pushing, but it's not actually happening.
It is happening. I haven't put a point on it, I'm just saying that it is happening.
You're okay with the government taking tax money, making laws about traffic, requiring you to have an ID, etc.?
I'm not OK with any of that. But I can only fight one battle at any given time.
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
There's the woman who wants to have an abortion because she doesn't
want to take responsibility for her bad decisions. I have no problems with that being illegal. There are many other options other than
abortion here.
But then there's the medical complications that can occur with
pregnancy and birth. Like I said, that's a decision made by the
husband, wife and doctor and the state should keep its nose out of
You're okay with the government taking tax money, making laws about traffic, requiring you to have an ID, etc.?
I'm not OK with any of that. But I can only fight one battle at any
given time.
Remember that the bigger we make the gov't, the smaller We The People
are. We originally set up our gov't to have the smallest amount of authority as needed to ensure our rights.
Mike Powell wrote to JIMMYLOGAN <=-
Right now abortion is legal in most places, and probably growing, but it doesn't make it morally right.
No one is asking you to go against your morals, or asking to abide by theirs.
Then don't ask for me to pay for it either.
How are they making you pay for it?
That fetus has all the rights given to it from the constitution after the 1st trimester.
I believe life begins at fertilization, so I'm against it all. BUT -
your poposal has merit! That would save a TON of lives, which is
much more than is being done now.
For every 100 abortions, only 7 are performed outside of the first trimester.
So suicide should be legal and assisted suicide available, since people will do it anyway?
So suicide should be legal and assisted suicide available, since peop will do it anyway?
It's now legal in Canada...
Mike Powell wrote to ALAN IANSON <=-
It is happening. I haven't put a point on it, I'm just saying that it is happening.
It may not be happening right now.
That part of the Tennessee law... doctor's getting in trouble for assisting women in emergencies... is not currently being enforced.
It has been suspended pending the outcome of a lawsuit.
If they lawsuit is decided in Tennessee's favor then, yes, I am
positive it will happen.
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
If the intention is not to save the mother's life but to simply kill
the baby - that I am NOT okay with.
I'll go along with that! Of course at the time our government was set
up we didn't have people sacrificing children...
You do not need to have a fatal or terminal condition to be eligible for medical assistance in dying.
If the liberals have their way, universal healthcare includes abortion -
and is funded by taxpayer money.
For every 100 abortions, only 7 are performed outside of the first trimester.
So 7 lives in 100 would be saved. That's better than zero!
It is happening. I haven't put a point on it, I'm just saying that it is happening.
It may not be happening right now.
It is happening now. I am not talking about Tennessee. I don't know what right
Tennesse law affords women but I have read of this in Texas and other red states.
That part of the Tennessee law... doctor's getting in trouble for assisting women in emergencies... is not currently being enforced.
It has been suspended pending the outcome of a lawsuit.
If they lawsuit is decided in Tennessee's favor then, yes, I am
positive it will happen.
I hope this will not happen in Tennesse or other states.
I'll go along with that! Of course at the time our government was set up
we didn't have people sacrificing children...
I'll go along with that! Of course at the time our government was set
up we didn't have people sacrificing children...
One of the goals that the Elitists have is creating a "Dependant Class" that always votes them back in office. They've actually gone a long way in that as
evidenced by the votes in the last election. A good number still voted for th
Part of creating that class is to keep people "childish". i.e. deferring to "authority", not having to take responsibility for their actions, etc.
The "abortion on demand" was part of the "not having to take responsibility" part of this conditioning.
Mike Powell wrote to ALAN IANSON <=-
The person you responded to, with you quote at the top of the message,
was speaking specifically about his state - Tennessee. I agree it is happening in other states. I provided a couple of links to issues in Louisiana in another message earlier in this discussion.
Mike Powell wrote to Dr. What <=-
And no abortions leads to more people that become part of the
"dependent class," which leads to more childish people who don't take responsibility for any of their (other) actions.
I don't see a win-win in making it mostly illegal.
But in any case, abortion is a "distraction issue". It's emotional and gets people to direct attention there instead of other, more important, issues.
Ron L. wrote to jimmylogan <=-
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
The example that I use here is to imagine a little kid. He wants a balloon. So his parents get him one. Being a kid, he lets the balloon
go. He watches it go up and up and then realizes that it's not coming back. He cries so his parents get him a new balloon and tie it to his wrist.
Next year, same little kid. He gets his balloon. He lets it go. He cries. But this time he's told "No. You knew what was going to happen.
It's your fault you lost your balloon." And the kid matures a little that day.
The Elitists want to halt that as much as possible.
Mike Powell wrote to JIMMYLOGAN <=-
If the liberals have their way, universal healthcare includes abortion -
and is funded by taxpayer money.
So is taking care of unwanted children.
For every 100 abortions, only 7 are performed outside of the first trimester.
So 7 lives in 100 would be saved. That's better than zero!
It would actually be closer to 4 lives if Joe's percentages on the
number of those that are due to medical emergencies is correct.
As I have said before, unless you are out there adopting these kids, or are happily paying the extra tax dollars to help raise them (with NO complaints EVER about high taxes), you really should not get a say in
I am not adopting, and don't like paying the government more money, so
I should *not* be telling women they cannot get an abortion.
As I have seen *zero* stories in here from the pro-life crowd about how they personally have adopted a ton of unwanted kids, and how well it is going for them, it is my opinion that none of us should be telling
women that.
Mike Powell wrote to JIMMYLOGAN <=-
I'll go along with that! Of course at the time our government was set up
we didn't have people sacrificing children...
The US actually did have abortions back then.
Google "history of abortion." The practice dates back to at least
1500BC. In this country it was seen as an acceptable practice, up until the point of the detection of "fetal motion," until the 1840s. That
was when the American Medical Association was formed and began to see abortion as another pie they could get a piece of by regulating and
making money off of it.
Laws against abortion didn't come into vogue until later, after the country was nearing its 100th birthday.
As I have seen *zero* stories in here from the pro-life crowd about how they personally have adopted a ton of unwanted kids, and how well it is going for them, it is my opinion that none of us should be telling
women that.
So, let me see if I get this right...
"I don't want to pay more nor adopt, so it's okay for a woman to murder
an unborn child."
Does that sum it up? And if so, does morality not count for anything?
Mike Powell wrote to JIMMYLOGAN <=-
As I have seen *zero* stories in here from the pro-life crowd about how they personally have adopted a ton of unwanted kids, and how well it is going for them, it is my opinion that none of us should be telling women that.
So, let me see if I get this right...
"I don't want to pay more nor adopt, so it's okay for a woman to murder
an unborn child."
Does that sum it up? And if so, does morality not count for anything?
No. IMHO, if morality was even the least bit involved, those who think
it is ok for a mother to be forced to carry a child they don't want
would be tripping over themselves to pitch in to take care of that
Instead, most of them will bristle at the least hint of their time or
tax money being used to assist in keeping these kids safe and healthy. They hide behind "morality" when in reality they don't give a rat's
about those kids.
There is absolutely nothing moral about that stance.
That may not be the case for you but I can guarantee if you get a
couple of the participants here going about how abortion is bad
"because the kids," they will eventually wear down some and show their real feelings about it, and it won't have anything to do with morals or religion.
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No. IMHO, if morality was even the least bit involved, those who think it is ok for a mother to be forced to carry a child they don't want would be tripping over themselves to pitch in to take care of that child.
Okay - let's set aside 'what others think.' I'm asking YOU. Is it okay
for a mother to murder an unborn child? That's the crux of it.
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