I've removed the gopher service from magickabbs.com.
Documentation is now served up via HTTP(S) only
Documentation in the git tree has been changed to a submodule.
Documentation is now in it's own repository, and has been re-markdowned
I felt having the gopher service for accessing documentation was a
little silly, no one used it that I know of, and the gopher-proxy would randomly crash (meaning the documentation would randomly stop being
available via http). Plus having a gopher server is just one more attack vector.
The new magickabbs.com website is based on HUGO, it still needs some
love I think, but the basics are up :)
--- MagickaBBS v0.15alpha (Linux/x86_64)
* Origin: HappyLand -
telnet://magickabbs.com:2023/ (21:1/126)