Pretty sure everyone here actually supports the ambitious sysop, right? :)
There was a, shall we say, unpleasntness growing in the community of my previous BBS software choice and I just can't have that in my hobbies.
Sure, we support every sysop regardless of software. :)
--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106)
There was a, shall we say, unpleasntness growing in the community of my previous BBS software choice and I just can't have that in my hobbies.
On 20 Feb 2024, Kurisu said the following...
There was a, shall we say, unpleasntness growing in the community of previous BBS software choice and I just can't have that in my hobbies
sorry, starting off by bad mouthing where you came from shows a lack of integrity.
I dont think the software you use relates to "unpleasantness" - its people. Pretty much everybody is in the same nets, and you'll find those people whereever you are, regardless of the software you use.
There was a, shall we say, unpleasntness growing in the community of my previous BBS software choice and I just can't have that in my hobbies.
I'd really rather this not be a discussion obsessed with one particular statement I made to establish context.
Kurisu wrote to deon <=-
I dont think the software you use relates to "unpleasantness" - its people. Pretty much everybody is in the same nets, and you'll find those people whereever you are, regardless of the software you use.
The problem is when the key and, in a sense, only way of
practical support **is** those people. You wish to solve a
problem and are met with hostility, rather than assistance.
Is there *any* possibility that this perceived "hostility" was due to
not following suggested actions and not wanting to bother reading any documentation/instructions, because that was too much work?
Like deon said, just next past negativity and I think you'll find a lot
of good. :P
Which, on the net subject, since it's part of the catalyst for all this, my friends and I are planning on getting our net set up via proper FTN,
if you're still interested. :)
Right - that was the phreaker oriented FTN right?
Right - that was the phreaker oriented FTN right?
It was the phreak related one - Revertive Pulse.
This weekend we're probably going to begin setting things up in earnest and I'll make a new infopack and update you. I just need to sit down and devote time to it.
Today I got fsxNet back in action (I'll take care of my other main FTN
in a few days) and I'm happy to be running on something fresh.
That being said, I'll likely still have a billion and one questions as time passes. After mastering the challenge of just getting message areas to sort into proper groups everything else just feels trivial -- more
time than challenge.
I'm happy with this decision, happy to still be here on fsxNet, and
happy to be a part of the BBS community. Can't say I felt the last one
Right - yea, I grabbed the RPNet infopack but DIDN'T set it up... will
you always keep QWK support, or fully change over to FTN?
I hope you enjoy playing with Mystic and/or any other BBS software that takes your fancy. You'll find the guys here supportive and helpful,
that's been the general ethos from the get go.
I'm not as active here as I could be but if I can help with questions feel free to netmail me or echomail post here etc. and I'll do my best Av> answer them.
Thanks for being part of the fsx community.
I appreciate that. Your videos have helped plenty and, even with them being on the older side, when combined with inferance and the wiki I
seem to be holding together.
I'm happy to be here. Haven't been too active over the past few years
but since my interest in running a BBS and the community has grown again recently, I'm going to try my best to contribute to the awesome
community that is here. :)
I'm happy to be here. Haven't been too active over the past few years
but since my interest in running a BBS and the community has grown again recently, I'm going to try my best to contribute to the awesome
community that is here. :)
please consider HobbyNet. Check kit out at:
paulie420 wrote to Kurisu <=-
Right - yea, I grabbed the RPNet infopack but DIDN'T set it up... will
you always keep QWK support, or fully change over to FTN?
Could you post a link to the RPnet infopack or send it my way? I haven't heard of them.
Revertive Pulse is an absolute baby of a network; not even fully born, one could say. Started at the end of January with a couple of friends in the Phone Phreak scene, as a SIG but also as a chance for me to see if I could make a network, well, work. QWK only originally, but I intended to go FTN, but wanted to understand the tech better and feel confident before I made that change.
I'm a former telecom manager in a former life. I managed Nortel and Avaya switches in the 90s, was one of the few telco people I knew who knew networking and PBXes and had a lot of fun in the early days of VOIP
PBXes. Was indirectly connected to the scene in the '90s and interested
to see the current state of affairs. I'm familiar with Fido tech, been running a BBS since 1991 and would love to help any way I can.
Right - yea, I grabbed the RPNet infopack but DIDN'T set it up... wil you always keep QWK support, or fully change over to FTN?
Could you post a link to the RPnet infopack or send it my way? I haven't heard of them.
I'm a former telecom manager in a former life. I managed Nortel and Avaya switches in the 90s, was one of the few telco people I knew who knew networking and PBXes and had a lot of fun in the early days of VOIP PBXes. Was indirectly connected to the scene in the '90s and interested to see the current state of affairs. I'm familiar with Fido tech, been running a BBS since 1991 and would love to help any way I can.
Is there *any* possibility that this perceived "hostility" was due to not following suggested actions and not wanting to bother reading any documentation/instructions, because that was too much work?
In this case, no.
Had I gotten someone saying "?RTFM" and a link to the relevant information, in any capacity, that would have been a welcome answer, as it would have actually been helpful. Inststead I was given what can be summed up as a "people won't care so don't bother" response, which I consider quite defeatist.
Given that I could not find the relevant information, in the docs, nor did anyone point such out that I may have missed, I an only presume the actions I wished to take are not documented in any meaningful way I could find, hence why I asked in the the net which is most apt for that software package. My post was actually my best inferrance on how the process would work, and I was hoping to get even just a simple "yeah, you got it" or a "no, you have to do this" but instead got what I got..
I should have asked here, or on another net, but given that the network I inquired in is the "home" of that software, in a sense, it made sense to ask there. When you combine that kind of reaction to me wanting to create something with the other abject hostility of a rather unregylated area, and other minor issues which many people have reported have been ignored, I decided it was best to go to something else.
I perhaps could have put a bit more detail on the correlation between the group and the software, but I felt it was of minimal value -- the better thing for me to enjoy running a BBS and creating new things was to change software to a package that I felt would be better for my future goals.
So far it seems I was right about this change, and am enjoying Mystic greatly. Still has a learning curve but the documentation is better and I've seen in the past few years on fsxNet how helpful its fan and dev base can be.
If you're like me and curious what this guy was referring to, best I can determine it was this short message thread in SYNC_SYSOPS: <shrug>
Digital Man wrote to All <=-
Re: Re: I moved to Mystic!
By: Kurisu to Gamgee on Thu Feb 22 2024 05:45 am
Is there *any* possibility that this perceived "hostility" was due to not following suggested actions and not wanting to bother reading any documentation/instructions, because that was too much work?
In this case, no.
Had I gotten someone saying "?RTFM" and a link to the relevant information, in any capacity, that would have been a welcome answer, as it would have actually been helpful. Inststead I was given what can be summed up as a "people won't care so don't bother" response, which I consider quite defeatist.
Given that I could not find the relevant information, in the docs, nor did anyone point such out that I may have missed, I an only presume the actions I wished to take are not documented in any meaningful way I could find, hence why I asked in the the net which is most apt for that software package. My post was actually my best inferrance on how the process would work, and I was hoping to get even just a simple "yeah, you got it" or a "no, you have to do this" but instead got what I got..
I should have asked here, or on another net, but given that the network I inquired in is the "home" of that software, in a sense, it made sense to ask there. When you combine that kind of reaction to me wanting to create something with the other abject hostility of a rather unregylated area, and other minor issues which many people have reported have been ignored, I decided it was best to go to something else.
I perhaps could have put a bit more detail on the correlation between the group and the software, but I felt it was of minimal value -- the better thing for me to enjoy running a BBS and creating new things was to change software to a package that I felt would be better for my future goals.
If you're like me and curious what this guy was referring to,
best I can determine it was this short message thread in
SYNC_SYSOPS: <shrug>
So far it seems I was right about this change, and am enjoying Mystic greatly. Still has a learning curve but the documentation is better and I've seen in the past few years on fsxNet how helpful its fan and dev base can be.
I'm glad he found a BBS software 'fan and dev base' and
documentation more to his liking. The Mystic BBS software is very
good as well. :-)
I'm glad he found a BBS software 'fan and dev base' and documentation
more to his liking. The Mystic BBS software is very good as well. :-)
If you're like me and curious what this guy was referring to, best I determine it was this short message thread in SYNC_SYSOPS: <shrug>
Damnit, was that ever anti-climactic, and short lived.
For a real good time, read this guy's blog here, specifically the first article:
I'm glad he found a BBS software 'fan and dev base' and documentation more to his liking. The Mystic BBS software is very good as well. :-)
I enjoy your tongue-in-cheek response, if thats the way you meant it - while
For the future of BBSing, we can't just help old heads who have ran systems since dialup. We have to embrace the new folks and help them; SOME will be the future, when we're not here.
sure you already know this). I didn't see any real questions in this
guy's one post, so I didn't reply to it. A motivated sysop would've
Yep, this dude's a real wanker. He was given suggestions in echomail
and (I think) in the IRC channel as well, but didn't want to bother putting any effort into reading anything (Wiki).
Yep, this dude's a real wanker. He was given suggestions in echomail and (I think) in the IRC channel as well, but didn't want to bother putting any effort into reading anything (Wiki).
You most certainly have me confused with someone else, as I was most certainly haven't been on IRC and never got any echomail regarding anything of the sort.
I wouldn't have thought that Nelgin would have sent the message they did -
I didn't put 2 + 2 together and realize that the poster who 'left sync for mystic' was the same guy who wanted to create a phreaker FTN/message network.
Listen - 4 years ago I was the new guy... while MANY new guys come and go, some
genuinely want to be in the BBS community. I think we should support that.
That being said; I think Kurisu will find help on FTNs like tqwNet; deon and
MeaTLoTioN know ALL about HUBS and FTN networks and are always willing to help
explain things... they won't do it for you, or give everything on a silver platter - but there is help and support out there.
If we push them all away, they'll go... away. SOME people just want to land on advice and community - at first, thats a bunch of stupid questions that we
all have experienced... then, a year later its still blah blah, but with a little more knowledge - and 4 years down the line its someone who is a part of
our community.
For the future of BBSing, we can't just help old heads who have ran systems since dialup. We have to embrace the new folks and help them; SOME will be the
future, when we're not here.
I prosed the whole message the way I did as to demonstrate I had tried to get
an undertstanding of the subject on my own, rather than just ask "hey guys how
do I start a FidoNet style Network" which, ironically, I figured would get the
kind of response I got.
If a clear and concise set of instructions is out there, it is certainly buriedThere isn't any instructions on how to run an FTN network, and I doubt
deeper than the Kola Borehole.
Unfortunately, I'm considered an 'old head' these days. Although, I can brag that I once had an apprentice named Avon, and he is still around.
I'd argue that he didn't turn out all that bad, either. :)
Well I still have some hair left.... does that count. TMI :) ??
In many respects quite a few of us are ahem 'older' heads now ..
cassette tapes, VHS va Beta Max, Color TV, Boom Boxes, Casio digital watches and calculator games, Space Shuttle LED gameboy ?? games..
Speak N Spell (not the album ;-)) ... Fido in the 90s, dial up, dial up SLIP accounts to Unix logins, toll calls.. of the toll of toll calls...
War Games (movie)... Whiz Kids TV show from 80s.... and on it goes... :)
I answer support questions and help new sysops every day (I'm pretty
sure you already know this). I didn't see any real questions in this
guy's one post, so I didn't reply to it. A motivated sysop would've rephrased/posted their question if he was *really* looking for tech support and not just shared enthusiasm, but this guy chose this route instead. I wish him well. --
Jeez, you ARE old!
Just kidding, pretty sure I can check off just about all of the above as well.
Accession wrote to paulie420 <=-
Agreed. But if you're not willing to RTFM and/or take the help given
and thrive with it, others will soon give up - realizing that you're
not putting in any effort.
Well I still have some hair left.... does that count. TMI :) ??
In many respects quite a few of us are ahem 'older' heads now ..
cassette tapes, VHS va Beta Max, Color TV, Boom Boxes, Casio digital watches and calculator games, Space Shuttle LED gameboy ?? games..
Speak N Spell (not the album ;-)) ... Fido in the 90s, dial up, dial up SLIP accounts to Unix logins, toll calls.. of the toll of toll calls... War Games (movie)... Whiz Kids TV show from 80s.... and on it goes... :)
Well I still have some hair left.... does that count. TMI :) ??
In many respects quite a few of us are ahem 'older' heads now .. cassette tapes, VHS va Beta Max, Color TV, Boom Boxes, Casio digital watches and calculator games, Space Shuttle LED gameboy ?? games.. Speak N Spell (not the album ;-)) ... Fido in the 90s, dial up, dial SLIP accounts to Unix logins, toll calls.. of the toll of toll calls. War Games (movie)... Whiz Kids TV show from 80s.... and on it goes...
God, I am old!! I lived through all of that, including Buster Brown
shoes (Not sure if they were available on the other side of the
world)... Oh and don't forget the little 6oz I think milk containers at school! will a few others of us... righto, will drop this thread now, I'm
off topic too unless I talk about history of Mystic etc.. :)
God, I am old!! I lived through all of that, including Buster Brown shoes (Not sure if they were available on the other side of the world)... Oh and don't forget the little 6oz I think milk containers a
My high school still had teletypes in the computer lab and punch tape in the print shop.
God, I am old!! I lived through all of that, including Buster Brown
shoes (Not sure if they were available on the other side of the
world)... Oh and don't forget the little 6oz I think milk containers at school!
Geri Atricks wrote to Bucko <=-
My high school still had teletypes in the computer lab and punch tape
in the print shop.
We must be of the same vintage! I learned to program (basic) on a
teletype and paper tapes.
My high school had Commodore CBMs, like a Pet but with a real keyboard,
80 columns and 32K of memory. The professor brought in a small WANG computer that read punched cards for data entry and had us all use it.
We didn't understand why, he just asked us to trust him, we'd
We must be of the same vintage! I learned to program (basic) on a teletype and paper tapes.
DOB: 04 FEB 1968
Heaven forbid that you drop those cards and they get out of order. :)
Most definitely. However, once someone realizes you want them to do all the work for you - rather than 'help', just so you can shut your
system(s) down within 6 months with no skin in the game, is a different story. I've had this happen way too many times.
Most definitely. However, once someone realizes you want them to do all
the work for you - rather than 'help', just so you can shut your
system(s) down within 6 months with no skin in the game, is a different
story. I've had this happen way too many times.
I remember you once said something like this to me back in 2007. :)
I am still kicking . ;)
Mystic is about as old as dirt, too! :)
My high school had Commodore CBMs, like a Pet but with a real keyboard,
80 columns and 32K of memory. The professor brought in a small WANG computer that read punched cards for data entry and had us all use it.
We didn't understand why, he just asked us to trust him, we'd
So, technically, I started out programming with punch cards. :)
DOB: 04 FEB 1968
I'm a 1956.
Heaven forbid that you drop those cards and they get out of order. :)
I saw a senior (in college) do that to a full box late one night. I thought he was going to break down and cry.
Love it! I appreciate everything you do to keep this hobby going, and
have been around to witness you do things to help this hobby even!
Love it! I appreciate everything you do to keep this hobby going, and
have been around to witness you do things to help this hobby even!
Definetly not as active as you.
How about you? What have you been up to?
Outside of BBS, family, work, etc...
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