• FTNs... newscans and why isn't it right?

    From paulie420@21:2/150 to All on Wed Jul 17 20:22:38 2024
    So on 2oFB, I have several FTNs. I created custom message headers - ANSI screens that change how message scans, new posts and reading of messages looks.

    I used many !CL codes.. (! = |) in the To:, Subject:, Network:, Base Name:, etc etc...

    However the NETWORK tag is anchored to the message network that the user is CURRENTLY IN. Meaning, as a user newscans messages on 2oFB across many FTNs, whichever Conference the user was in when the newscan was started is displayed during the entire newscan...

    This means that as the user goes thru different FTNs, the Network: line is incorrect for 90% of the time - and I wonder... how did I f00k this up??? And how can I correct it???

    As a user newscans, I want it to display the Message Conference that is being newscanned, not the msg conference that the user is currently IN.

    ... makes sense??? I messed it up by modifying the message headers - but is there some other !CODE that I can use that will fix this issue???


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Zip@21:1/202 to paulie420 on Thu Jul 18 06:50:20 2024
    Hello paulie420!

    On 17 Jul 2024, paulie420 said the following...

    This means that as the user goes thru different FTNs, the Network: line
    is incorrect for 90% of the time - and I wonder... how did I f00k this up??? And how can I correct it???

    If I recall correctly, this is something that also caused problems for private messages ("E-mails") -- that the Post ACS for that (local) message base couldn't contain any group (g) condition, as the user might not have joined that group when reading private messages, resulting in an access denied message when attempting to reply to such a message...

    Perhaps a request to g00r00 in the FidoNet MYSTIC conference could get more codes into some future Mystic release?

    Best regards

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202)
  • From fusion@21:1/616 to paulie420 on Thu Jul 18 09:00:09 2024
    On 17 Jul 2024, paulie420 said the following...

    However the NETWORK tag is anchored to the message network that the user is CURRENTLY IN. Meaning, as a user newscans messages on 2oFB across
    many FTNs, whichever Conference the user was in when the newscan was started is displayed during the entire newscan...

    it's very likely if you're not specifically inside the reader they aren't (temporarily) updated. so if you're doing some sort of looping, anything outside the reader would see those MCI codes reverted to what they were before you started. (for example a menu with a huge list of separate scans of each base would show !MN as the user's current one between every MN action, because only INSIDE the MN action would !MN be temporarily adjusted)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (21:1/616)
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to fusion on Thu Jul 18 22:52:25 2024
    it's very likely if you're not specifically inside the reader they aren't (temporarily) updated. so if you're doing some sort of looping, anything outside the reader would see those MCI codes reverted to what they were before you started. (for example a menu with a huge list of separate
    scans of each base would show !MN as the user's current one between
    every MN action, because only INSIDE the MN action would !MN be temporarily adjusted)

    Its currently displaying the CONFERENCE the user is currently joined to - but as the newscan goes thru other FTNs, it displays what the user is joined to... not the currently scanned FTN.

    I've gone over the wiki and don't see an option/screen code for currently scanned conference - but seems like there should be one...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)