I don't think the new bulletin will automatically s
how during logon ifAl> that's what you mean. It's probab
ly possible to do that but changesAl> would be needed.
Huh. That seems ... not in keepin
g with what it says in bulletin.mps:
// The next command line is optional. If you supply the option "CHECK",
the// script will check for updated bulletins since the use
r's last call, then// prompt them to read the bulletins if t
here are new bulletins available.// This is handy to put as
an FIRSTCMD command during the login somewhere,// as the def
ault Mystic BBS installation does.I mean
, I guess it doesn't say, "show
", but prompting would be fine with me.
Regardless...Al> I have used onlyonc
e.mps before. That will display a file (only once) ifAl>
it has changed since the last logon....if th
at works, it'll solve the problem I'
m trying to solve. Thanks.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Storm BBS (21:2/108)