From LU9DCE@21:5/101 to RTLSDR on Sun Aug 4 11:10:02 2019
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    https://slacko.home.blog +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Title : rtl-sdr.com

    Title : Using SDR For QO-100 Satellite Operation

    Content : Es’hailsat, otherwise known as QO-100 is the first geostationary satellite with an amateur radio payload on-board. The
    satellite contains both a Wide Band transponder for experimental
    modes and DVB-S Digital Television and a Narrow Band transponder
    used mostly for SSB voice and some digital mode contacts with other
    amateur operators. If you’re unfamiliar with this satellite
    we’ve covered it in previous articles, like in [ Es’hail Transponder Now Active ]

    Title : Updated Meteor M-N2-2 Tutorial and Decoder Now Available

    Content : Thank you to Happysat for submitting the following
    information about the updated LRPT decoder for Meteor M-N2-2. He has
    also provided a link to his very useful Meteor Satellite reception
    tutorial .

    Title : Kickstarter for a Lower Cost Laboratory Grade RF Broadband
    Noise Generator

    Content : UPDATE: John wanted to add the following clarification:

    Title : YouTube Video: Information Packed Introduction to SDR

    Content : Over on YouTube Nick Black has uploaded a video where
    he does a good introduction to software defined radio (SDR), SDR
    history, how SDR works, various SDR concepts like sampling and
    bandwidth, different SDR hardware, the SDR Linux stack and reverse
    engineering wireless signals.

    Title : PiSDR Image Gains PlutoSDR Support

    Content : [ @Lugigi Cruz ] has announced on twitter that his latest
    PiSDR image now includes full PlutoSDR support. PiSDR is a pre-built
    Raspberry Pi distribution that supports several SDRs including the
    RTL-SDR. It comes with many applications and libraries ready for you
    to use some of which include GQRX and GNURadio Companion. PiSDR is
    available on [ GitHub ] and just needs to be burned to an SD card
    to be used. The PlutoSDR is a low cost (typically priced anywhere
    between $99 – $149 depending on sales) RX/TX capable SDR with
    up to 56 MHz of bandwidth and a 70 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range.

    Title : Hackaday Looks back on Seven Years of RTL-SDR

    Content : Hackaday is a very popular blog that summarizes and
    aggregates all sorts of content related to hardware, electronics
    and software projects (just like we do with SDR content). Over the
    years Hackaday have featured RTL-SDR related projects several times,
    and in their latest post Tom Nardi reminisces on the seven years
    since RTL-SDRs became a thing .

    Title : Tracking Multiple Amateur Radio APRS Balloons with RTL-SDRs

    Content : Last month Jeff Deaton from " Edge of Space Sciences "
    (EOSS) presented a talk called "SDR Multi Balloon Tracking", where
    he discusses how EOSS are using RTL-SDR receivers to track their
    APRS high altitude balloons. EOSS is a Denver, Colorado based
    non-profit organization that promotes science and education by
    exploring frontiers in amateur radio and high altitude balloons. The
    talk overview reads:

    Title : YouTube Review of the RS-918: A Chinese Clone of a Clone
    of the mcHF SDR

    Content : Over on YouTube  Kevin Loughin  has uploaded a video
    reviewing the "Recent RS-918" which is a Chinese clone of the popular
    mcHF open source SDR transceiver made by Chris (M0NKA). The mcHF
    is a well known small and inexpensive home brewed open source HF
    QRP SDR that was started back in 2013. It's sold either as a kit
    for 236.82 GBP (US$287), or with metal enclosure at 292.78 GBP
    (US$354). The kit comes with SMD components already soldered, but
    you still need to solder the through hole components and assemble
    it into the enclosure. The RS-918 clone can be found fully assembled
    as a ready to use product on eBay for approximately US$400.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: HAMRADIO telnet lu9dce.dynu.com (21:5/101)