• ARES E-Letter August 21, 2019

    From CX2SA@21:5/101 to WW on Wed Aug 21 10:03:47 2019
    CX2SA ARES 21.08.19 09:21l 502 Lines 28234 Bytes #365 (0) @ WW
    BID : 12418_CX2SA
    Subj: ARES E-Letter August 21, 2019
    Sent: 190821/1216Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:12418 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:12418_CX2SA From: CX2SA@CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM
    To : ARES@WW

    The ARES E-Letter August 21, 2019
    Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE

    -ARRL Policymakers, Staff Continue Efforts to Enhance ARES Program, Add
    -Partners in Service: FEMA Announces Plans for September National
    Preparedness Month
    -Cape Cod ARES and SKYWARN Provide Support in Rare Tornado Event
    -Arizona ARES Gives Communications Support for Museum Fire
    -ARES Responds to Earthquake Incidents in Southern California
    -Flmsg Used in Maine Red Cross Mass Care Exercise
    -Hurricane Zebra, Florida Hurricane Season Exercises Yield Good Results
    -New Books: Volunteer Amateur Radio Operator Hospital Orientation
    -First Joint FEMA Region X, Washington State Emergency Communications
    Working Groups Meet in Eastern Washington
    -ARRL Resources Available

    ARRL Policymakers, Staff Continue Efforts to Enhance ARES Program, Add ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources
    The ARRL Board of Directors, committees and administrative staff have
    focused on enhancing the venerable ARES program. A major ARES Plan was
    adopted, providing new direction going forward. A standardized training plan was adopted and a new ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book was approved and published.

    Last month, the Board considered the report of its Public Service
    Enhancement Working Group (PSEWG). A "change log" is proposed for the Task
    Book that will highlight changes made as the book is periodically revised
    and updated. ARES position guidelines were posted to the on-line ARES
    workbook and major revising and updating of ARRL's Introduction to Emergency Communications course (now designated as IS-001) has been completed. [The course is now available at no cost to any ARES registrant, and a "tutorless" format has been added as a parallel path for completing the course.
    Additional tutors were successfully recruited to help handle the huge
    initial interest as the changes were extremely well-received by the field organization. A "challenge" path directly to the final exam is also being implemented.] Similar updating and introduction of IS-016 - Public Service
    and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs -- will follow in the next few months.

    The ARRL HQ staff has brought veteran Ohio Section Manager Scott Yonally,
    N8SY, on board to assist in the implementation of ARES Connect and to field questions about the new software package from users.

    The League's Ham Aid program was reviewed, with some modest revisions to procedures. Most recently, the PSEWG has begun its examination of the future role of the League's National Traffic System in concert with ARES. A brief survey of selected SMs, STMs and SECs is to provide a beginning point for a more extensive analysis of the program. This review and evaluation is
    expected to be a major part of the PSEWG's efforts in the upcoming months.

    A Board Ad Hoc EmComm Manager Requirements Report specifies the job requirements of a new position at ARRL HQ -- Director of Emergency
    Management -- who will lead a team responsible for supporting the ARES
    program and will work with HQ staff to develop standards, protocols, and processes designed to support the Field Organization. The report can be
    found here.

    Partners in Service: FEMA Announces Plans for September National ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Preparedness Month
    Next month is National Preparedness Month with the theme Prepared, Not
    Scared. Be Ready for Disasters. National Preparedness Month (NPM) is
    recognized each September to promote family and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the year. This year's campaign will feature PSAs and multimedia products around four weekly themes:

    · Week 1: Sept 1-7 Save Early for Disaster Costs

    · Week 2: Sept 8-14 Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters

    · Week 3: Sept 15-21 Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters

    · Week 4: Sept 22-30 Get Involved in Your Community's Preparedness

    Content has been loaded on the Ready.gov National Preparedness Month Toolkit webpage. This year, FEMA wants participants, which include ARES operators,
    to share their activities and success stories. The longtime ARRL partner
    wants brief descriptions of what you are planning for National Preparedness Month. Send them to FEMA-IGA@fema.dhs.gov with the word NPM in the subject line. An appropriate, brief submission would be your planned or conducted
    ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) activity. Many groups will be holding
    their SET during September and through the fall. The primary
    League-sponsored national emergency exercise is designed to assess the
    skills and preparedness of ARES and other organizations involved with emergency/disaster response. Here's an opportunity to let FEMA know about it.

    In June 2003, ARRL became an official affiliate program of Citizen Corps, an initiative within the Department of Homeland Security to enhance public preparedness and safety. The Statement of Affiliation makes ARRL an
    affiliate under the four charter Citizen Corps programs--Neighborhood Watch, Volunteers in Police Service, Community Emergency Response Teams and Medical Reserve Corps.

    Cape Cod ARES and SKYWARN Provide Support in Rare Tornado Event ---------------------------------------------------------------
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts ARES and SKYWARN operators responded as a storm
    system on July 23 produced three tornadoes there. Hurricane-force winds resulted in significant tree and utility wire damage. Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters were the first to provide critical ground truth information. Under
    the direction of Cape Cod District Emergency Coordinator Frank O'Laughlin, WQ1O, and Eastern Massachusetts Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, a SKYWARN net ran for several hours on the Barnstable repeater.

    "Dozens of reports of trees and wires down and some structural damage
    reports were received during the SKYWARN net, and Amateur Radio operators supported initial damage assessment in the hardest hit areas, providing
    photos and videos that were shared via social media and other outlets,"
    Macedo said. "This provided critical situational awareness and disaster intelligence information to the National Weather Service (NWS), state
    emergency management, local media outlets, and helped to diagnose the areas
    for NWS meteorologists to survey to determine whether a tornado or straight-line wind damage occurred."

    An ARES net supported communications between a shelter at the
    Dennis-Yarmouth School and the Barnstable County EOC, which serves as the Multiagency Coordination Center (MACC).

    Operations continued around the clock, with six radio amateurs engaged in shelter and EOC communications over the course of two days. "Traffic
    involved the logistics of care of shelter residents until power restoration efforts were near completion," O'Laughlin said.

    A NWS-Norton office team of several meteorologists surveyed damage and confirmed the three tornadoes and destructive straight-line winds. Since tornado records have been kept, starting in 1950, only three tornadoes were recorded on Cape Cod up until last year, highlighting the rarity of the July
    23 weather event. -- source: Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Eastern Massachusetts
    Section Emergency Coordinator, SKYWARN

    Arizona ARES Gives Communications Support for Museum Fire ---------------------------------------------------------
    Members of the Coconino County Amateur Radio Club (CARC) in Arizona
    activated on July 21 as winds accelerated the Museum Fire beyond 50 acres, triggering the activation of the county's EOC. Members of the club, many of them ARES volunteers, staffed the EOC.

    "The club has a great working relationship with Coconino County," said
    CARC's Public Information Officer Dan Shearer, N7YIQ. "CARC's ARES component has a dedicated position in the EOC structure and has assisted on many incidents over the last few years, providing communications to field
    personnel when cell and radio coverage is limited or nonexistent." Shearer
    said Amateur Radio equipment and antennas are stored at the EOC, and CARC members have been trained to set it up and have everything operational
    within an hour of activation.

    The fire grew larger than 500 acres and became a top fire-fighting priority.
    A Type 1 Incident Management Team took over the fire-fighting effort late on July 22, and more than 12 Hotshot crews (teams highly trained in all aspects
    of fire management), fire engines, water tenders, and aircraft were engaged
    in suppressing the blaze. Residents in some neighborhoods were ordered to evacuate, although no homes and structures were lost.

    There were fears that the fire might overrun communications sites on Mount Elden, which include public service, private, and Amateur Radio repeaters.
    "The loss of one or both of these complexes would have been catastrophic," Shearer said. CARC members were prepared for the risk and quickly assembled spare equipment, including extra radios and repeaters. Air tankers dropped
    many loads of fire retardant around the repeater sites, and the exceptional work of the fire crews prevented the fire from running up the slopes to the complexes, Shearer said.

    The Coconino Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club with about 50 members. Its large ARES component regularly trains and conducts SKYWARN and ARES nets weekly.

    "CARC personnel provided well over 250 hours in support of the Museum Fire disaster response and in direct support of the joint EOC," Shearer said,
    adding that the EOC professional team and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey
    expressed their appreciation to CARC operators when the governor visited the fire operations.

    ARES Responds to Earthquake Incidents in Southern California ------------------------------------------------------------
    On the morning of July 4, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the California High Desert, with its epicenter near Trona in the Searles Valley, not far from Ridgecrest, population 29,000. ARES member Jerry Brooks, KK6PA, activated
    the Eastern Kern County ARES Net, and as members assessed their own
    situations and were able to participate, activity grew on the emergency net. Steve Hendricks, KK6JTB, assumed net control duties through most of the
    first day, and others filled in as the activation progressed. The Logistics Chief with the Ridgecrest EOC, Robert Oberfeld, contacted ARES leaders to request a radio operator be assigned to the Ridgecrest Police Department
    mobile communications van at the EOC.

    Eastern Kern County ARES was able to relay reports of roadway conditions
    from mobile operators to the EOC as several main highways -- including
    Highway 178, the only route between Ridgecrest and Trona -- had been
    rendered impassable. CalTrans was alerted, and repair crews had the route opened for limited traffic within a short time.

    As the aftershocks lessened and the extent of the damage by the first
    temblor had been assessed, the EOC requested that ARES stand down but remain
    on standby. The next day, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck, followed by 19 aftershocks, ranging in magnitude 4.5 to 5.5. When Eastern Kern County ARES reactivated, significantly more damage had occurred, with the result that
    fewer operators were immediately available as many residents dealt with
    serious issues within their own homes. Additional operators became available
    to provide their observations to the EOC, however. In all, 57 operators were active at various times on the emergency net, providing status reports and updates.

    "The ensuing days brought thousands of aftershocks of generally small magnitude, but the threat of larger aftershocks remained, so Eastern Kern County ARES remained on standby," said Dennis Kidder, W6DQ. A number of
    homes and businesses were destroyed or severely damaged. Some 150 residents were in shelters. Aftershocks continued to be expected. -- source: Dennis Kidder, W6DQ, Eastern Kern County ARES, California

    Flmsg Used in Maine Red Cross Mass Care Exercise ------------------------------------------------
    On August 9 and 10, the Waldo (Maine) County EMA conducted a 24 hour mass
    care exercise. A designated Red Cross shelter in Thorndike was staffed with volunteers with the public invited to have meals and stay overnight. Several Red Cross volunteers served as shelter managers and 62 Boy Scouts
    volunteered to act as residents of the shelter. A meal to which the public
    was invited was served on Friday evening and over 60 people from the
    community attended.

    The radio communications component of the exercise was focused on the
    transfer of Red Cross forms by radio. Jim Piper N6MED, a registered nurse
    and Amateur Radio liaison for the Gold Country Region American Red Cross, headquartered in Sacramento, California, was enlisted to initiate a Red
    Cross 213 form using the popular flmsg utility of the flidigi suite of
    digital interfaces. Piper has been an advocate for flmsg as a message tool
    as it may be used with virtually any electronic communications medium. Based
    on this need, Dave Freese, W1HKJ, the author of flmsg, created a highly simplified "Agency" GUI for flmsg that is designed to be used by personnel
    with limited computer skills. There are only three buttons that permit the volunteer to create, view or edit the contents of a form. In the Gold
    Country Region implementation, flmsg and the Red Cross custom forms are contained on thumb drives that are deployed to all shelter disaster response trailers and that can be handed out to volunteers. There is nothing to
    install on the computer.

    Piper sent an ARC-213 form (a 1kB text file reduced from the custom HTML
    file) via Winlink attachment to the Waldo County EMA in Belfast, Maine. At
    the EMA, a radio operator moved the file to flmsg where it was sent by VHF using fldigi to the shelter. A volunteer at the shelter then used the flmsg Agency tool to compose a reply, whereupon the process was repeated to get
    the reply back to Sacramento. The process worked very smoothly and served to demonstrate to the shelter staff the usefulness of the flmsg tool. The Red Cross forms and information on the message utility can be accessed here. [Fldigi (Fast Light digital) is a free and open source program/suite of utilities that can be used for emergency messaging with simple two-way data communications using a laptop's sound card].-- source: Steve Hansen KB1TCE, Waldo County, Maine ARES/RACES

    Hurricane Zebra, Florida Hurricane Season Exercises Yield Good Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    The first annual ARRL Northern Florida Section Hurricane Exercise was held
    on Saturday, August 3, 2019, from 0800-1000 hours eastern time. The mission
    was to test the section's HF voice and digital ability to send and receive message traffic between county EOCs and the State EOC (SEOC) in Tallahassee. The plan called for two messages for each county EOC to send to the State
    EOC by either voice or Winlink. Stations were also to check into the
    Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARnet), the network of linked UHF voice repeaters that serves the State of Florida Department of Transportation.

    According to an after action report submitted by Dave Davis, WA4WES,
    Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, stations throughout the section participated. Davis said "Overall, it was a good first effort, and we did well." Objectives included stations to communicate with the State EOC by
    voice and/or digital modes; become familiar with net procedures including message handling using the ICS message form 309; determine viability of communications on different bands, times of day and different modes (voice
    and data); and network with other message handlers likely to be involved
    during real incidents.

    Results and Lessons Learned

    The EOCs at Bay and St. John's Counties were opened. While the State EOC was unavailable, several stations were able to establish links with KK4SIH in
    Leon county where the SEOC is located. On 3955 kHz, many stations were able
    to send messages to the station using Winlink. Operators successfully met
    the objectives of learning net procedures, and using the ICS form 309 to
    send messages on different bands at different times of day using both voice
    and data modes. 80-meters demonstrated the most consistent reliability, followed by 60-meters and 40-meters.

    The use and reliability of the HF bands must be mastered by those
    responsible for using them as they do exhibit periods when they are
    unusable. The use of propagation charts can help identify the frequencies
    for optimal communication for any given part of the day. Alternate
    frequencies and modes need to be part of the plan, and stations must know
    when to move to the other designated frequencies and modes.

    The lack of back up net control stations was an issue: backup NCS and other critical positions need to be pre-assigned. Stations that passed traffic on
    HF generally spoke too fast. They need to slow down. All messages need to
    have a standardized message header. See Florida ICS-213 Message Training.

    All messages must be originated/written by a person in authority, not by the radio operator. Message logs need to be maintained, and the ICS 309 form is good for this purpose. Its uniform use throughout the section is encouraged. All participating stations should become familiar with Winlink.

    ASEC Davis concluded "The response to this exercise was very good. Of
    course, more work needs to be done, but for a first time effort, I was impressed with the knowledge, enthusiasm, and skill demonstrated by
    operators throughout the section. The objective now will be to build on what was learned."

    Florida Region 4 RACES Communications Exercise Also Conducted

    Sumter County (Florida) Emergency Management/RACES hosted a Region 4 Communications Exercise. (The State's Division of Emergency Management
    divides Florida into Regions for emergency management purposes. Region 4 encompasses the counties in the Tampa area).

    The exercise was intended to test RACES capability to communicate from
    county to county within the region. Systems used included the SARNet for initial coordination and then FM repeater, simplex and/or or HF systems to
    pass messages from county to county and back to Sumter County, which had originated them. This procedure included sending the message in both
    directions so each county could test its capability with its connecting
    county on each side.

    As with most exercises of this nature, several counties did have some minor issues, which were ultimately resolved. It showed that the goals of
    discovering those minor issues, finding their solutions, and implementing
    them were met. RACES Officer Gene King, KI4LEH, said "Our hope, of course,
    is that when we are activated/deployed we will have a properly working communications system, know which system or mode works best for our needs,
    and fulfill our role as emergency communications operators in serving our respective agencies to the best of our abilities."

    The exercise was well received by those who participated; a good hot wash
    was conducted via a telephone conference call where each county's participant(s) related their take on the exercise. There is unanimous
    support for quarterly exercises. Participants will meet in person for an
    hour at the Tampa Bay Hamfest, Friday, December 13, and Saturday, December
    14, 2019. "This way, we can get to know each other a little better than by
    just over the airwaves," King said, adding "we hone our skills as radio operators, enhancing our abilities to serve no matter if we operate under an ARES or RACES umbrella."

    New Books: Volunteer Amateur Radio Operator Hospital Orientation ----------------------------------------------------------------
    The new July 2019 edition of the Volunteer Amateur Radio Operator Hospital Orientation, by Duane Mariotti, WB9RER, has just been released. Mariotti is
    the Volunteer Coordinator of the Kaiser Permanente Amateur Radio Network and has been involved with emergency communications for 30 years as an
    electrical engineer, responder, and policy leader. His specialty is
    biomedical technology and he works to improve hospital disaster preparedness and communications systems.

    Amateur Radio operators have a long history of providing hospitals with emergency backup communications, but the hospital operating environment has special considerations to understand before an operator is prepared: There
    are special rules, regulations, policies and protocols in place to protect patient safety and patient privacy that must be observed. The amateur
    operator also needs to have an understanding of how a hospital works during disasters and in "peacetime," which can often be complex and even daunting. Mariotti's book goes a long way towards helping the potential hospital radio operator develop the knowledge necessary to serve on a communications team.

    The book is a self-paced orientation, one component of a comprehensive orientation to be completed by hospital personnel and Amateur Radio team leaders. To its credit, the book is not a dense, jargon-laded treatise;
    rather, it lays out its information in large print, sparse words, boxes, summaries, and graphics. It should take the average reader just a couple of hours to read and study the manual, and take the 50-question summary quiz at the end.

    Arguably the most critically important guidance is found at the beginning of the book: Amateur Radio operators are limited to public spaces and specific secure locations such as the Hospital Command Center (HCC). It is not the intent for radio operators to be in patient care areas or situations. The orientation training provided in this book is for the Amateur Radio operator
    . . . and their limited but critical role in support of hospital emergency management in non-clinical settings.

    The remainder of the book is devoted to hospital orientation - departments, safety policies, infection control, privacy and other laws, which include
    laws requiring hospital orientation of all contractors and volunteers, virtually anyone having any business relationship to the hospital. As the author states early on in the book, "We are supporting hospital emergency communications - we should know something about hospital operations."

    This is not a book about radio operating, modes and frequencies, antenna placement, message types, etc. It is rather a book to convey the sometimes complex aspects of hospital functioning, and how radio amateurs must act accordingly while on assignment there.

    The new book is available on Amazon for $12.50. I highly recommend it based
    on my experience as a veteran ICU RN working on the Medical Intensive Care
    Unit (MICU) of a major city hospital over the course of many years. - K1CE

    First Joint FEMA Region X, Washington State Emergency Communications Working ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Groups Meet in Eastern Washington
    The FEMA Region X (AK, OR, ID, WA) Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECCWG) and the State of Washington Emergency Management Division's Washington Emergency Communications Coordination
    Working Group (WECCWG) held a combined meeting in Spokane Valley, Washington last weekend on August 14 and 15, 2019. The purpose of this meeting was to bring together "state, federal, local, tribal, and private sector partners
    who support or manage emergency communications systems, communications
    service providers, business continuity professionals, and others that have a stake in the public communications infrastructure."

    Meeting attendees included representatives from FEMA Regions IX and X, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Guard,
    NOAA, Washington Emergency Management and Department of Transportation, the Lummi tribe, Spokane County, public utilities, wireless carriers (AT&T,
    Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon), and volunteers. Quite a few Amateur Radio leaders from throughout the state attended, including ARRL Eastern
    Washington Section Manager Jack Tiley, AD7FO, and Western Washington Section Manager Monte Simpson, AF7PQ, two DECs, and several ECs.

    Each of the previous nine WECCWG meetings has examined communications
    responses to various threats. The focus of this event was on cyber security, which is a part of the Communications Function, Emergency Support Function
    #2. Washington Emergency Management Division Director Robert Ezelle was
    keynote speaker on the first day, and talked about "the flow of ones and
    zeros" and how everything today is linked or networked, dependent, and with dependency comes vulnerability. Spokane County Undersheriff John Nowels
    served as keynote speaker on the second day, and predicted that the next
    major attack on the United States will be a cyber-attack.

    Meeting presentations included examples of how current phone devices are vulnerable to hacking. Mark Hasse from Sprint reminded everyone that in
    cyber security defense, you need to be right 100% of the time, while a
    hacker only needs to be right once to cause damage. One of the ARES ECs commented later that "for someone not familiar with cyber security, the
    amount of damage that can occur as a result of that hacker being right just once is hard to comprehend."

    As for support resources, FEMA, CISA and the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program (ICTAP) serves all 56 states and territories
    and provides direct support to state, local, and tribal emergency responders and government officials through the development and delivery of training, tools, and onsite assistance to advance public safety interoperable communications capabilities.

    Amateurs who are experienced in cyber security may be interested in taking
    the new FEMA All Hazards Information Technology Service Unit Leader (ITSL) class when it is available in a city near them. College-bound amateurs interested in cyber security may be interested in the Scholarship For
    Service (SFS) "program designed to recruit and train the next generation of information technology professionals, industrial control system security professionals, and security managers to meet the needs of the cyber security mission for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments."

    By far the most common theme mentioned by the RECCWG/WECCWG meeting speakers was that adequate ESF #2 responses to emergencies and disasters (both radio
    and cyber) depends on building relationships between all entities well
    before the incident. -- Steve Aberle, WA7PTM, Assistant Director, ARRL Northwestern Division; and Assistant State RACES Officer, Washington

    ARRL Resources Available
    Join or Renew Today! ARRL membership includes QST, Amateur Radio's most
    popular and informative journal, delivered to your mailbox each month.

    Subscribe to NCJ -- the National Contest Journal. Published bi-monthly, features articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA Sprint and QSO Parties.

    Subscribe to QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published bi-monthly, features technical articles, construction projects, columns and other items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.

    Free of charge to ARRL members: Subscribe to the ARES E-Letter (monthly
    public service and emergency communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (bi-weekly contest newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much more!

    Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.

    ARRL offers a wide array of products to enhance your enjoyment of Amateur Radio.

    Donate to the fund of your choice -- support programs not funded by member dues!

    Click here to advertise in this newsletter, space subject to availability.


    The ARES E-Letter is published on the third Wednesday of each month. ARRL members may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing their Member Data Page as described at http://www.arrl.org/ares-e-letter.

    Copyright ╕ 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: HAMRADIO telnet slacko.kozow.com (21:5/101)
  • From CX2SA@21:5/101 to WW on Wed Aug 21 10:07:19 2019
    CX2SA ARES 21.08.19 09:21l 502 Lines 28234 Bytes #365 (0) @ WW
    BID : 12418_CX2SA
    Read: GUEST
    Subj: ARES E-Letter August 21, 2019
    Sent: 190821/1216Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:12418 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:12418_CX2SA From: CX2SA@CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM
    To : ARES@WW

    The ARES E-Letter August 21, 2019
    Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE

    -ARRL Policymakers, Staff Continue Efforts to Enhance ARES Program, Add
    -Partners in Service: FEMA Announces Plans for September National
    Preparedness Month
    -Cape Cod ARES and SKYWARN Provide Support in Rare Tornado Event
    -Arizona ARES Gives Communications Support for Museum Fire
    -ARES Responds to Earthquake Incidents in Southern California
    -Flmsg Used in Maine Red Cross Mass Care Exercise
    -Hurricane Zebra, Florida Hurricane Season Exercises Yield Good Results
    -New Books: Volunteer Amateur Radio Operator Hospital Orientation
    -First Joint FEMA Region X, Washington State Emergency Communications
    Working Groups Meet in Eastern Washington
    -ARRL Resources Available

    ARRL Policymakers, Staff Continue Efforts to Enhance ARES Program, Add ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources
    The ARRL Board of Directors, committees and administrative staff have
    focused on enhancing the venerable ARES program. A major ARES Plan was
    adopted, providing new direction going forward. A standardized training plan was adopted and a new ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book was approved and published.

    Last month, the Board considered the report of its Public Service
    Enhancement Working Group (PSEWG). A "change log" is proposed for the Task
    Book that will highlight changes made as the book is periodically revised
    and updated. ARES position guidelines were posted to the on-line ARES
    workbook and major revising and updating of ARRL's Introduction to Emergency Communications course (now designated as IS-001) has been completed. [The course is now available at no cost to any ARES registrant, and a "tutorless" format has been added as a parallel path for completing the course.
    Additional tutors were successfully recruited to help handle the huge
    initial interest as the changes were extremely well-received by the field organization. A "challenge" path directly to the final exam is also being implemented.] Similar updating and introduction of IS-016 - Public Service
    and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs -- will follow in the next few months.

    The ARRL HQ staff has brought veteran Ohio Section Manager Scott Yonally,
    N8SY, on board to assist in the implementation of ARES Connect and to field questions about the new software package from users.

    The League's Ham Aid program was reviewed, with some modest revisions to procedures. Most recently, the PSEWG has begun its examination of the future role of the League's National Traffic System in concert with ARES. A brief survey of selected SMs, STMs and SECs is to provide a beginning point for a more extensive analysis of the program. This review and evaluation is
    expected to be a major part of the PSEWG's efforts in the upcoming months.

    A Board Ad Hoc EmComm Manager Requirements Report specifies the job requirements of a new position at ARRL HQ -- Director of Emergency
    Management -- who will lead a team responsible for supporting the ARES
    program and will work with HQ staff to develop standards, protocols, and processes designed to support the Field Organization. The report can be
    found here.

    Partners in Service: FEMA Announces Plans for September National ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Preparedness Month
    Next month is National Preparedness Month with the theme Prepared, Not
    Scared. Be Ready for Disasters. National Preparedness Month (NPM) is
    recognized each September to promote family and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the year. This year's campaign will feature PSAs and multimedia products around four weekly themes:

    · Week 1: Sept 1-7 Save Early for Disaster Costs

    · Week 2: Sept 8-14 Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters

    · Week 3: Sept 15-21 Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters

    · Week 4: Sept 22-30 Get Involved in Your Community's Preparedness

    Content has been loaded on the Ready.gov National Preparedness Month Toolkit webpage. This year, FEMA wants participants, which include ARES operators,
    to share their activities and success stories. The longtime ARRL partner
    wants brief descriptions of what you are planning for National Preparedness Month. Send them to FEMA-IGA@fema.dhs.gov with the word NPM in the subject line. An appropriate, brief submission would be your planned or conducted
    ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) activity. Many groups will be holding
    their SET during September and through the fall. The primary
    League-sponsored national emergency exercise is designed to assess the
    skills and preparedness of ARES and other organizations involved with emergency/disaster response. Here's an opportunity to let FEMA know about it.

    In June 2003, ARRL became an official affiliate program of Citizen Corps, an initiative within the Department of Homeland Security to enhance public preparedness and safety. The Statement of Affiliation makes ARRL an
    affiliate under the four charter Citizen Corps programs--Neighborhood Watch, Volunteers in Police Service, Community Emergency Response Teams and Medical Reserve Corps.

    Cape Cod ARES and SKYWARN Provide Support in Rare Tornado Event ---------------------------------------------------------------
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts ARES and SKYWARN operators responded as a storm
    system on July 23 produced three tornadoes there. Hurricane-force winds resulted in significant tree and utility wire damage. Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters were the first to provide critical ground truth information. Under
    the direction of Cape Cod District Emergency Coordinator Frank O'Laughlin, WQ1O, and Eastern Massachusetts Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, a SKYWARN net ran for several hours on the Barnstable repeater.

    "Dozens of reports of trees and wires down and some structural damage
    reports were received during the SKYWARN net, and Amateur Radio operators supported initial damage assessment in the hardest hit areas, providing
    photos and videos that were shared via social media and other outlets,"
    Macedo said. "This provided critical situational awareness and disaster intelligence information to the National Weather Service (NWS), state
    emergency management, local media outlets, and helped to diagnose the areas
    for NWS meteorologists to survey to determine whether a tornado or straight-line wind damage occurred."

    An ARES net supported communications between a shelter at the
    Dennis-Yarmouth School and the Barnstable County EOC, which serves as the Multiagency Coordination Center (MACC).

    Operations continued around the clock, with six radio amateurs engaged in shelter and EOC communications over the course of two days. "Traffic
    involved the logistics of care of shelter residents until power restoration efforts were near completion," O'Laughlin said.

    A NWS-Norton office team of several meteorologists surveyed damage and confirmed the three tornadoes and destructive straight-line winds. Since tornado records have been kept, starting in 1950, only three tornadoes were recorded on Cape Cod up until last year, highlighting the rarity of the July
    23 weather event. -- source: Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Eastern Massachusetts
    Section Emergency Coordinator, SKYWARN

    Arizona ARES Gives Communications Support for Museum Fire ---------------------------------------------------------
    Members of the Coconino County Amateur Radio Club (CARC) in Arizona
    activated on July 21 as winds accelerated the Museum Fire beyond 50 acres, triggering the activation of the county's EOC. Members of the club, many of them ARES volunteers, staffed the EOC.

    "The club has a great working relationship with Coconino County," said
    CARC's Public Information Officer Dan Shearer, N7YIQ. "CARC's ARES component has a dedicated position in the EOC structure and has assisted on many incidents over the last few years, providing communications to field
    personnel when cell and radio coverage is limited or nonexistent." Shearer
    said Amateur Radio equipment and antennas are stored at the EOC, and CARC members have been trained to set it up and have everything operational
    within an hour of activation.

    The fire grew larger than 500 acres and became a top fire-fighting priority.
    A Type 1 Incident Management Team took over the fire-fighting effort late on July 22, and more than 12 Hotshot crews (teams highly trained in all aspects
    of fire management), fire engines, water tenders, and aircraft were engaged
    in suppressing the blaze. Residents in some neighborhoods were ordered to evacuate, although no homes and structures were lost.

    There were fears that the fire might overrun communications sites on Mount Elden, which include public service, private, and Amateur Radio repeaters.
    "The loss of one or both of these complexes would have been catastrophic," Shearer said. CARC members were prepared for the risk and quickly assembled spare equipment, including extra radios and repeaters. Air tankers dropped
    many loads of fire retardant around the repeater sites, and the exceptional work of the fire crews prevented the fire from running up the slopes to the complexes, Shearer said.

    The Coconino Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club with about 50 members. Its large ARES component regularly trains and conducts SKYWARN and ARES nets weekly.

    "CARC personnel provided well over 250 hours in support of the Museum Fire disaster response and in direct support of the joint EOC," Shearer said,
    adding that the EOC professional team and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey
    expressed their appreciation to CARC operators when the governor visited the fire operations.

    ARES Responds to Earthquake Incidents in Southern California ------------------------------------------------------------
    On the morning of July 4, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the California High Desert, with its epicenter near Trona in the Searles Valley, not far from Ridgecrest, population 29,000. ARES member Jerry Brooks, KK6PA, activated
    the Eastern Kern County ARES Net, and as members assessed their own
    situations and were able to participate, activity grew on the emergency net. Steve Hendricks, KK6JTB, assumed net control duties through most of the
    first day, and others filled in as the activation progressed. The Logistics Chief with the Ridgecrest EOC, Robert Oberfeld, contacted ARES leaders to request a radio operator be assigned to the Ridgecrest Police Department
    mobile communications van at the EOC.

    Eastern Kern County ARES was able to relay reports of roadway conditions
    from mobile operators to the EOC as several main highways -- including
    Highway 178, the only route between Ridgecrest and Trona -- had been
    rendered impassable. CalTrans was alerted, and repair crews had the route opened for limited traffic within a short time.

    As the aftershocks lessened and the extent of the damage by the first
    temblor had been assessed, the EOC requested that ARES stand down but remain
    on standby. The next day, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck, followed by 19 aftershocks, ranging in magnitude 4.5 to 5.5. When Eastern Kern County ARES reactivated, significantly more damage had occurred, with the result that
    fewer operators were immediately available as many residents dealt with
    serious issues within their own homes. Additional operators became available
    to provide their observations to the EOC, however. In all, 57 operators were active at various times on the emergency net, providing status reports and updates.

    "The ensuing days brought thousands of aftershocks of generally small magnitude, but the threat of larger aftershocks remained, so Eastern Kern County ARES remained on standby," said Dennis Kidder, W6DQ. A number of
    homes and businesses were destroyed or severely damaged. Some 150 residents were in shelters. Aftershocks continued to be expected. -- source: Dennis Kidder, W6DQ, Eastern Kern County ARES, California

    Flmsg Used in Maine Red Cross Mass Care Exercise ------------------------------------------------
    On August 9 and 10, the Waldo (Maine) County EMA conducted a 24 hour mass
    care exercise. A designated Red Cross shelter in Thorndike was staffed with volunteers with the public invited to have meals and stay overnight. Several Red Cross volunteers served as shelter managers and 62 Boy Scouts
    volunteered to act as residents of the shelter. A meal to which the public
    was invited was served on Friday evening and over 60 people from the
    community attended.

    The radio communications component of the exercise was focused on the
    transfer of Red Cross forms by radio. Jim Piper N6MED, a registered nurse
    and Amateur Radio liaison for the Gold Country Region American Red Cross, headquartered in Sacramento, California, was enlisted to initiate a Red
    Cross 213 form using the popular flmsg utility of the flidigi suite of
    digital interfaces. Piper has been an advocate for flmsg as a message tool
    as it may be used with virtually any electronic communications medium. Based
    on this need, Dave Freese, W1HKJ, the author of flmsg, created a highly simplified "Agency" GUI for flmsg that is designed to be used by personnel
    with limited computer skills. There are only three buttons that permit the volunteer to create, view or edit the contents of a form. In the Gold
    Country Region implementation, flmsg and the Red Cross custom forms are contained on thumb drives that are deployed to all shelter disaster response trailers and that can be handed out to volunteers. There is nothing to
    install on the computer.

    Piper sent an ARC-213 form (a 1kB text file reduced from the custom HTML
    file) via Winlink attachment to the Waldo County EMA in Belfast, Maine. At
    the EMA, a radio operator moved the file to flmsg where it was sent by VHF using fldigi to the shelter. A volunteer at the shelter then used the flmsg Agency tool to compose a reply, whereupon the process was repeated to get
    the reply back to Sacramento. The process worked very smoothly and served to demonstrate to the shelter staff the usefulness of the flmsg tool. The Red Cross forms and information on the message utility can be accessed here. [Fldigi (Fast Light digital) is a free and open source program/suite of utilities that can be used for emergency messaging with simple two-way data communications using a laptop's sound card].-- source: Steve Hansen KB1TCE, Waldo County, Maine ARES/RACES

    Hurricane Zebra, Florida Hurricane Season Exercises Yield Good Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    The first annual ARRL Northern Florida Section Hurricane Exercise was held
    on Saturday, August 3, 2019, from 0800-1000 hours eastern time. The mission
    was to test the section's HF voice and digital ability to send and receive message traffic between county EOCs and the State EOC (SEOC) in Tallahassee. The plan called for two messages for each county EOC to send to the State
    EOC by either voice or Winlink. Stations were also to check into the
    Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARnet), the network of linked UHF voice repeaters that serves the State of Florida Department of Transportation.

    According to an after action report submitted by Dave Davis, WA4WES,
    Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, stations throughout the section participated. Davis said "Overall, it was a good first effort, and we did well." Objectives included stations to communicate with the State EOC by
    voice and/or digital modes; become familiar with net procedures including message handling using the ICS message form 309; determine viability of communications on different bands, times of day and different modes (voice
    and data); and network with other message handlers likely to be involved
    during real incidents.

    Results and Lessons Learned

    The EOCs at Bay and St. John's Counties were opened. While the State EOC was unavailable, several stations were able to establish links with KK4SIH in
    Leon county where the SEOC is located. On 3955 kHz, many stations were able
    to send messages to the station using Winlink. Operators successfully met
    the objectives of learning net procedures, and using the ICS form 309 to
    send messages on different bands at different times of day using both voice
    and data modes. 80-meters demonstrated the most consistent reliability, followed by 60-meters and 40-meters.

    The use and reliability of the HF bands must be mastered by those
    responsible for using them as they do exhibit periods when they are
    unusable. The use of propagation charts can help identify the frequencies
    for optimal communication for any given part of the day. Alternate
    frequencies and modes need to be part of the plan, and stations must know
    when to move to the other designated frequencies and modes.

    The lack of back up net control stations was an issue: backup NCS and other critical positions need to be pre-assigned. Stations that passed traffic on
    HF generally spoke too fast. They need to slow down. All messages need to
    have a standardized message header. See Florida ICS-213 Message Training.

    All messages must be originated/written by a person in authority, not by the radio operator. Message logs need to be maintained, and the ICS 309 form is good for this purpose. Its uniform use throughout the section is encouraged. All participating stations should become familiar with Winlink.

    ASEC Davis concluded "The response to this exercise was very good. Of
    course, more work needs to be done, but for a first time effort, I was impressed with the knowledge, enthusiasm, and skill demonstrated by
    operators throughout the section. The objective now will be to build on what was learned."

    Florida Region 4 RACES Communications Exercise Also Conducted

    Sumter County (Florida) Emergency Management/RACES hosted a Region 4 Communications Exercise. (The State's Division of Emergency Management
    divides Florida into Regions for emergency management purposes. Region 4 encompasses the counties in the Tampa area).

    The exercise was intended to test RACES capability to communicate from
    county to county within the region. Systems used included the SARNet for initial coordination and then FM repeater, simplex and/or or HF systems to
    pass messages from county to county and back to Sumter County, which had originated them. This procedure included sending the message in both
    directions so each county could test its capability with its connecting
    county on each side.

    As with most exercises of this nature, several counties did have some minor issues, which were ultimately resolved. It showed that the goals of
    discovering those minor issues, finding their solutions, and implementing
    them were met. RACES Officer Gene King, KI4LEH, said "Our hope, of course,
    is that when we are activated/deployed we will have a properly working communications system, know which system or mode works best for our needs,
    and fulfill our role as emergency communications operators in serving our respective agencies to the best of our abilities."

    The exercise was well received by those who participated; a good hot wash
    was conducted via a telephone conference call where each county's participant(s) related their take on the exercise. There is unanimous
    support for quarterly exercises. Participants will meet in person for an
    hour at the Tampa Bay Hamfest, Friday, December 13, and Saturday, December
    14, 2019. "This way, we can get to know each other a little better than by
    just over the airwaves," King said, adding "we hone our skills as radio operators, enhancing our abilities to serve no matter if we operate under an ARES or RACES umbrella."

    New Books: Volunteer Amateur Radio Operator Hospital Orientation ----------------------------------------------------------------
    The new July 2019 edition of the Volunteer Amateur Radio Operator Hospital Orientation, by Duane Mariotti, WB9RER, has just been released. Mariotti is
    the Volunteer Coordinator of the Kaiser Permanente Amateur Radio Network and has been involved with emergency communications for 30 years as an
    electrical engineer, responder, and policy leader. His specialty is
    biomedical technology and he works to improve hospital disaster preparedness and communications systems.

    Amateur Radio operators have a long history of providing hospitals with emergency backup communications, but the hospital operating environment has special considerations to understand before an operator is prepared: There
    are special rules, regulations, policies and protocols in place to protect patient safety and patient privacy that must be observed. The amateur
    operator also needs to have an understanding of how a hospital works during disasters and in "peacetime," which can often be complex and even daunting. Mariotti's book goes a long way towards helping the potential hospital radio operator develop the knowledge necessary to serve on a communications team.

    The book is a self-paced orientation, one component of a comprehensive orientation to be completed by hospital personnel and Amateur Radio team leaders. To its credit, the book is not a dense, jargon-laded treatise;
    rather, it lays out its information in large print, sparse words, boxes, summaries, and graphics. It should take the average reader just a couple of hours to read and study the manual, and take the 50-question summary quiz at the end.

    Arguably the most critically important guidance is found at the beginning of the book: Amateur Radio operators are limited to public spaces and specific secure locations such as the Hospital Command Center (HCC). It is not the intent for radio operators to be in patient care areas or situations. The orientation training provided in this book is for the Amateur Radio operator
    . . . and their limited but critical role in support of hospital emergency management in non-clinical settings.

    The remainder of the book is devoted to hospital orientation - departments, safety policies, infection control, privacy and other laws, which include
    laws requiring hospital orientation of all contractors and volunteers, virtually anyone having any business relationship to the hospital. As the author states early on in the book, "We are supporting hospital emergency communications - we should know something about hospital operations."

    This is not a book about radio operating, modes and frequencies, antenna placement, message types, etc. It is rather a book to convey the sometimes complex aspects of hospital functioning, and how radio amateurs must act accordingly while on assignment there.

    The new book is available on Amazon for $12.50. I highly recommend it based
    on my experience as a veteran ICU RN working on the Medical Intensive Care
    Unit (MICU) of a major city hospital over the course of many years. - K1CE

    First Joint FEMA Region X, Washington State Emergency Communications Working ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Groups Meet in Eastern Washington
    The FEMA Region X (AK, OR, ID, WA) Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECCWG) and the State of Washington Emergency Management Division's Washington Emergency Communications Coordination
    Working Group (WECCWG) held a combined meeting in Spokane Valley, Washington last weekend on August 14 and 15, 2019. The purpose of this meeting was to bring together "state, federal, local, tribal, and private sector partners
    who support or manage emergency communications systems, communications
    service providers, business continuity professionals, and others that have a stake in the public communications infrastructure."

    Meeting attendees included representatives from FEMA Regions IX and X, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Guard,
    NOAA, Washington Emergency Management and Department of Transportation, the Lummi tribe, Spokane County, public utilities, wireless carriers (AT&T,
    Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon), and volunteers. Quite a few Amateur Radio leaders from throughout the state attended, including ARRL Eastern
    Washington Section Manager Jack Tiley, AD7FO, and Western Washington Section Manager Monte Simpson, AF7PQ, two DECs, and several ECs.

    Each of the previous nine WECCWG meetings has examined communications
    responses to various threats. The focus of this event was on cyber security, which is a part of the Communications Function, Emergency Support Function
    #2. Washington Emergency Management Division Director Robert Ezelle was
    keynote speaker on the first day, and talked about "the flow of ones and
    zeros" and how everything today is linked or networked, dependent, and with dependency comes vulnerability. Spokane County Undersheriff John Nowels
    served as keynote speaker on the second day, and predicted that the next
    major attack on the United States will be a cyber-attack.

    Meeting presentations included examples of how current phone devices are vulnerable to hacking. Mark Hasse from Sprint reminded everyone that in
    cyber security defense, you need to be right 100% of the time, while a
    hacker only needs to be right once to cause damage. One of the ARES ECs commented later that "for someone not familiar with cyber security, the
    amount of damage that can occur as a result of that hacker being right just once is hard to comprehend."

    As for support resources, FEMA, CISA and the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program (ICTAP) serves all 56 states and territories
    and provides direct support to state, local, and tribal emergency responders and government officials through the development and delivery of training, tools, and onsite assistance to advance public safety interoperable communications capabilities.

    Amateurs who are experienced in cyber security may be interested in taking
    the new FEMA All Hazards Information Technology Service Unit Leader (ITSL) class when it is available in a city near them. College-bound amateurs interested in cyber security may be interested in the Scholarship For
    Service (SFS) "program designed to recruit and train the next generation of information technology professionals, industrial control system security professionals, and security managers to meet the needs of the cyber security mission for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments."

    By far the most common theme mentioned by the RECCWG/WECCWG meeting speakers was that adequate ESF #2 responses to emergencies and disasters (both radio
    and cyber) depends on building relationships between all entities well
    before the incident. -- Steve Aberle, WA7PTM, Assistant Director, ARRL Northwestern Division; and Assistant State RACES Officer, Washington

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