• newham

    From LU9DCE@21:5/101 to BBSRT on Sun Jun 30 10:40:05 2019
    Getting an Amateur Radio License
    Terry R. Dettmann/WX7S

    I've been watching HamNet and other sources for a while
    and it seems like there is a need to answer the question
    "How can I become a Ham?" for many people. This file is
    an attempt to create a starting point for someone to
    get information about Ham Radio.

    Anyone who reads this is asked to send comments to me
    on Compuserve at 72076,2611 or care of:

    National Amateur Radio Association, NARA
    16541 Redmond Way #232
    Redmond, Wa 98052

    I would like to see this file get the widest possible distribution
    to any and all bulletin boards, etc. If you make changes, please
    send me a new copy for distribution. I will attempt to keep
    the most accurate and up-to-date copy available for use by
    anyone who wants to get into the hobby.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT an attempt to list comprehensively
    EVERY source of entry into Amateur Radio nor to list EVERY
    source of information about Amateur Radio. The objective of this
    file is to list books, magazines, and so forth which would be a help
    to someone who wants to become a Ham. If you have a product or
    service for new hams you would like added here, please contact
    me via NARA. We keep a data base of services and products
    for New Hams as well as information about 'Helping Hams' who
    want to help new people get started in the hobby. I would like to
    hear from you about what you can do to promote the hobby. This listing
    is also personal ... opinions expressed here such as 'best', etc. are
    based on my own experience and that of people I know who have used the materials. Something which is NOT listed here is not bad, I am personally
    just not familiar with it.

    ==================== BECOMING A HAM ==========================

    To become a Ham Radio operator, you presently have to pass
    two tests, an written examination covering basic radio theory
    and regulations and a proficiency test covering Morse Code
    at a 5 Word per Minute rate. The best sources for help
    on these are:

    Radio Shack NOVICE Course ($19.95) available through
    any Radio Shack store

    ARRL (American Radio Relay League) 'How to Tune in the World'
    Novice Course ($12.00) available at most Amateur Radio Stores
    or from the American Radio Relay League, 225 Main Street,
    Newington, Ct. 06111.

    For practice on Morse Code, your best bets are:

    The best tapes around are produced by Harry Lewis, W7JWJ,
    10352 Sandpoint Way, NE, Seattle, Wa. 98125. Harry has been timed
    76 words per minute while he was loafing along.

    Another excellant study device for Morse Code is the program
    Super Morse, available for download from Compuserve or
    from the National Amateur Radio Association, NARA,
    16541 Redmond Way #232, Redmond, Wa 98052. NARA charges $3
    for the program and it is Shareware (so you owe the author
    something if you like it).

    ==================== MAGAZINES ===============================

    Magazines are the source of the most current information no
    matter what field you're in. You can sometimes pick up copies
    of Amateur Radio magazines at stores (especially at Amateur
    Radio stores), but in general, they aren't available just
    any place. If you want, the following magazines specializing
    in Amateur Radio will send you a sample copy. Contact the magazine
    for information about prices for samples.

    CQ Magazine
    76 North Broadway
    Hicksville, NY 11801
    QST Magazine
    American Radio Relay League
    225 Main Street
    Newington, Ct. 06111
    73 Magazine
    WGE Center
    Hancock, NH 03449
    Ham Radio Magazine
    Communications Technology Inc.
    Greenville, NH 03048-0498

    ==================== ORGANIZATIONS ===========================

    All amateur radio operators should belong to the ARRL:

    American Radio Relay League
    225 Main Street
    Newington, Ct. 06111

    Membership is currently $25.00/year. This is the major
    representative for hams in Washington and they run many
    programs for the benefit of Amateur Radio.

    NARA is interested in publicizing Amateur Radio and getting new
    amateurs involved. Your help and donation is appreciated
    and will get you a quarterly newsletter with information about
    NARA's efforts:

    National Amateur Radio Association, NARA
    16541 Redmond Way #232
    Redmond, Wa 98052

    ==================== MORE INFORMATION ========================

    For more information about becoming a Ham, please write to
    me either through Compuserve (72076,2611) or care of the
    National Amateur Radio Association:

    National Amateur Radio Association, NARA
    16541 Redmond Way #232
    Redmond, Wa 98052

    I will look in the references available to me and attempt to locate
    Amateur activity in your area. If I can, I will send you names
    and addresses of Amateurs in your area, stores which sell
    amateur radio gear, and anything else which can help.

    Even if you don't want anything in particular, feel free
    to write and let me know about your progress in
    becoming a Ham.

    73 DE WX7S

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    * Origin: HAMRADIO telnet lu9dce.dynu.com (21:5/101)