• scanner

    From LU9DCE@21:5/101 to BBSRT on Wed Jul 3 07:40:06 2019
    Newsgroups: alt.radio.scanner,rec.radio.amateur.misc
    From: jdwhite@iastate.edu (Jason White)
    Subject: State Scanner Law Regulations List
    Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1992 11:39:42 GMT

    Lately, I've seen a lot of questions regarding the legality of scanners in cars in certain states, so I decided I'd post the following guide to the net. 99% of the information below is taken from the


    I commend _Pop._Comm._ for their efforts in organiziLng this data into a convenient and easy-to-read form. I've been looking for a handy source for this type of information for a long time, and I *know* I'm not alone!
    The other 1% (The part about amateurs being exempted from Minnesota state law regarding scanners) was added by myself. If anyone knows whether any of the following states have some sort of exemption for amateurs, please let me know via e-mail (jdwhite@iastate.edu) as I'd like to keep this chart up to date:

    Florida, Indiana, LKentucky, Michigan, and New York.


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    S t a t e L a w s R e g u l a t i n g S c a n n e r s

    | | Prohibits | Prohibits | No laws
    | Citation for | scanners | improper | restrict
    State | Scanner Law | in cars | use of | scanners
    | | | scanners | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Alabama | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Alaska | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Arizona | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Arkansas | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- California | Penal Code S636.5 | | XXXXXXXXXXX |
    NOTE: Intercepting cordless telephone conversations is prohibited by Penal Law
    Section 632.6 ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Colorado | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Connecticut | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Delaware | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Florida | Sec. 843.16 | XXXXXXXXXXX | |
    NOTE: Also prohibits scanners on a business premises. ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Georgia | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Hawaii | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Idaho | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Illinois | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Indiana | Sec. 35-44-3-12 | XXXXXXXXXXX | |
    NOTE: Prohibits portable scanners everywhere. ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Iowa | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Kansas | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Kentucky | Sec. 432.570 | XXXXXXXXXXX | |
    NOTE: Prohibits scanners everywhere except at home. ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Louisiana | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Maine | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Maryland | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Massachusetts | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Michigan | Penal Code S750.508| XXXXXXXXXXX | | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Minnesota | Sec. 299C.37 | XXXXXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXXXXX |
    NOTE: Sec. 609.856 outlaws improper use of a scanner.
    NOTE: Persons holding a valid amateur radio operators license may use scanners
    in cars under an amended version of Sec. 299C.37.♀
    | | Prohibits | Prohibits | No laws
    | Citation for | scanners | improper | restrict
    State | Scanner Law | in cars | use of | scanners
    | | | scanners | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Mississippi | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Missouri | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Montana | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Nebraska | Sec. 28-1312 | | XXXXXXXXXXX | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Nevada | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- New Hampshire | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- New Jersey | N.J.S.A. 2C:33-21 | | XXXXXXXXXXX | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- New Mexico | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- New York | Veh. & Traf. S397 | XXXXXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXXXXX |
    NOTE: Penal Law Sec. 140.40 also prohibits the improper use of a scanner. ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- North Carolina | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- North Dakota | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Ohio | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Oklahoma | Title 21 Sec. 1214 | | XXXXXXXXXXX | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Oregon | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Pennsylvania | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Rhode Island | Sec. 11-1-11 | | |
    NOTE: Prohibits some felons from having scanners. ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- South Carolina | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- South Dakota | Chapter 23-4 | | |
    NOTE: Prohibits felons from having scanners. ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Tennessee | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Texas | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Utah | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Vermont | Title 13 Sec. 3014 | | XXXXXXXXXXX | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Virginia | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Washington | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- West Virginia | Sec. 15-3-5 | | XXXXXXXXXXX | ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Wisconsin | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+------------- Wyoming | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----8<----cut here----8<----cut here----8<----cut here----8<----cut here----8<

    Jason White, Durham Center Operations // Internet: jdwhite@iastate.edu
    95 Durham Center, ISU // Bitnet: jdwhite%iastate.edu@isumvs Ames, Iowa XX50011-2041 //
    W:(515) 294-2256 H:(515) 232-1092 // N0RWU, V.P. Cyclone Amateur Radio Cl→→

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    * Origin: HAMRADIO telnet lu9dce.dynu.com (21:5/101)